Protocols (协议下)
Declaring Protocol Adoption with an Extension (通过扩展遵循协议)
If a type already conforms to all of the requirements of a protocol, but has not yet stated that it adopts that protocol, you can make it adopt the protocol with an empty extension:
struct Hamster{
var name:String
var textualDescription:String{
return "A hamster named\(name)"
extension Hamster:TextRepresentable{}
Instances ofHamstercan now be used whereverTextRepresentableis the required type:
let simonTheHamster=Hamster(name:"Simon")
let somethingTextRepresentable:TextRepresentable=simonTheHamster
// Prints "A hamster named Simon"
Types do not automatically adopt a protocol just by satisfying its requirements. They must always explicitly declare their adoption of the protocol.
Collections of Protocol Types (协议类型的集合)
A protocol can be used as the type to be stored in a collection such as an array or a dictionary, as mentioned inProtocols as Types. This example creates an array ofTextRepresentablethings:
let things: [TextRepresentable] = [game,d12,simonTheHamster]
It is now possible to iterate over the items in the array, and print each item’s textual description:
for thing in things{
// A game of Snakes and Ladders with 25 squares
// A 12-sided dice
// A hamster named Simon
Note that thethingconstant is of typeTextRepresentable. It is not of typeDice, orDiceGame, orHamster, even if the actual instance behind the scenes is of one of those types. Nonetheless, because it is of typeTextRepresentable, and anything that isTextRepresentableis known to have atextualDescriptionproperty, it is safe to accessthing.textualDescriptioneach time through the loop.
Protocol Inheritance (协议的继承)
A protocol caninheritone or more other protocols and can add further requirements on top of the requirements it inherits. The syntax for protocol inheritance is similar to the syntax for class inheritance, but with the option to list multiple inherited protocols, separated by commas:
protocol InheritingProtocol: SomeProtocol, AnotherProtocol{
// protocol definition goes here
Here’s an example of a protocol that inherits theTextRepresentableprotocol from above:
protocol PrettyTextRepresentable:TextRepresentable{
var prettyTextualDescription:String{get}
This example defines a new protocol,PrettyTextRepresentable, which inherits fromTextRepresentable. Anything that adoptsPrettyTextRepresentablemust satisfy all of the requirements enforced byTextRepresentable,plusthe additional requirements enforced byPrettyTextRepresentable. In this example,PrettyTextRepresentableadds a single requirement to provide a gettable property calledprettyTextualDescriptionthat returns aString.
TheSnakesAndLaddersclass can be extended to adopt and conform toPrettyTextRepresentable:
extension SnakesAndLadders:PrettyTextRepresentable{
var prettyTextualDescription:String{
var output=textualDescription+":\n"
for index in1...finalSquare{
switch board[index] {
case let ladder where ladder>0:
output+="▲ "
case let snake where snake<0:
output+="▼ "
output+="○ "
return output
This extension states that it adopts thePrettyTextRepresentableprotocol and provides an implementation of theprettyTextualDescriptionproperty for theSnakesAndLadderstype. Anything that isPrettyTextRepresentablemust also beTextRepresentable, and so the implementation ofprettyTextualDescriptionstarts by accessing thetextualDescriptionproperty from theTextRepresentableprotocol to begin an output string. It appends a colon and a line break, and uses this as the start of its pretty text representation. It then iterates through the array of board squares, and appends a geometric shape to represent the contents of each square:
1. If the square’s value is greater than0, it is the base of a ladder, and is represented by▲.
2. If the square’s value is less than0, it is the head of a snake, and is represented by▼.
3. Otherwise, the square’s value is0, and it is a “free” square, represented by○.
The prettyTextualDescriptionproperty can now be used to print a pretty text description of anySnakesAndLaddersinstance:
// A game of Snakes and Ladders with 25 squares:
// ○ ○ ▲ ○ ○ ▲ ○ ○ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ▼ ○ ○ ○ ○ ▼ ○ ○ ▼ ○ ▼ ○
Class-Only Protocols (类类型专属协议)
You can limit protocol adoption to class types (and not structures or enumerations) by adding theclasskeyword to a protocol’s inheritance list. Theclasskeyword must always appear first in a protocol’s inheritance list, before any inherited protocols:
protocol SomeClassOnlyProtocol:class,SomeInheritedProtocol{
// class-only protocol definition goes here
In the example above,SomeClassOnlyProtocolcan only be adopted by class types. It is a compile-time error to write a structure or enumeration definition that tries to adoptSomeClassOnlyProtocol.
Use a class-only protocol when the behavior defined by that protocol’s requirements assumes or requires that a conforming type has reference semantics rather than value semantics. For more on reference and value semantics, seeStructures and Enumerations Are Value TypesandClasses Are Reference Types.
Protocol Composition (协议合成)
It can be useful to require a type to conform to multiple protocols at once. You can combine multiple protocols into a single requirement with aprotocol composition. Protocol compositions have the formSomeProtocol & AnotherProtocol. You can list as many protocols as you need to, separating them by ampersands (&).
有时候需要同时遵循多个协议,你可以将多个协议采用SomeProtocol & AnotherProtocol这样的格式进行组合,称为协议合成(protocol composition)。你可以罗列任意多个你想要遵循的协议,以与符号(&)分隔。
Here’s an example that combines two protocols calledNamedandAgedinto a single protocol composition requirement on a function parameter:
protocol Named{
var name:String{get}
protocol Aged{
var age:Int{get}
struct Person:Named,Aged{
var name:String
var age:Int
func wishHappyBirthday(tocelebrator:Named&Aged) {
print("Happy birthday,\(, you're\(celebrator.age)!")
let birthdayPerson=Person(name:"Malcolm",age:21)
// Prints "Happy birthday, Malcolm, you're 21!"
This example defines a protocol calledNamed, with a single requirement for a gettableStringproperty calledname. It also defines a protocol calledAged, with a single requirement for a gettableIntproperty calledage. Both of these protocols are adopted by a structure calledPerson.
The example also defines awishHappyBirthday(to:)function, The type of thecelebratorparameter isNamed & Aged, which means “any type that conforms to both theNamedandAgedprotocols.” It doesn’t matter what specific type is passed to the function, as long as it conforms to both of the required protocols.
wishHappyBirthday(to:)函数的参数celebrator的类型为Named & Aged。这意味着它不关心参数的具体类型,只要参数符合这两个协议即可。
The example then creates a newPersoninstance calledbirthdayPersonand passes this new instance to thewishHappyBirthday(to:)function. BecausePersonconforms to both protocols, this is a valid call, and thewishHappyBirthday(to:)function is able to print its birthday greeting.
Protocol compositions do not define a new, permanent protocol type. Rather, they define a temporary local protocol that has the combined requirements of all protocols in the composition.
Checking for Protocol Conformance (检查协议一致性)
You can use theisandasoperators described inType Castingto check for protocol conformance, and to cast to a specific protocol. Checking for and casting to a protocol follows exactly the same syntax as checking for and casting to a type:
1. The is operator returnstrueif an instance conforms to a protocol and returnsfalseif it does not.
2. The as?version of the downcast operator returns an optional value of the protocol’s type, and this value isnilif the instance does not conform to that protocol.
3. The as!version of the downcast operator forces the downcast to the protocol type and triggers a runtime error if the downcast does not succeed.
This example defines a protocol calledHasArea, with a single property requirement of a gettableDoubleproperty calledarea:
protocol HasArea{
var area:Double{get}
Here are two classes,CircleandCountry, both of which conform to theHasAreaprotocol:
class Circle:HasArea{
let pi=3.1415927
var radius:Double
var area:Double{returnpi*radius*radius}
init(radius:Double) {self.radius=radius}
class Country:HasArea{
var area:Double
init(area:Double) {self.area=area}
TheCircleclass implements theareaproperty requirement as a computed property, based on a storedradiusproperty. TheCountryclass implements thearearequirement directly as a stored property. Both classes correctly conform to theHasAreaprotocol.
Here’s a class calledAnimal, which does not conform to theHasAreaprotocol:
class Animal{
var legs:Int
init(legs:Int) {self.legs=legs}
TheCircle,CountryandAnimalclasses do not have a shared base class. Nonetheless, they are all classes, and so instances of all three types can be used to initialize an array that stores values of typeAnyObject:
let objects: [AnyObject] = [
Theobjectsarray is initialized with an array literal containing aCircleinstance with a radius of 2 units; aCountryinstance initialized with the surface area of the United Kingdom in square kilometers; and anAnimalinstance with four legs.
Theobjectsarray can now be iterated, and each object in the array can be checked to see if it conforms to theHasAreaprotocol:
for object in objects{
if let objectWithArea=objectas?HasArea{
print("Area is\(objectWithArea.area)")
} else {
print("Something that doesn't have an area")
// Area is 12.5663708
// Area is 243610.0
// Something that doesn't have an area
Whenever an object in the array conforms to theHasAreaprotocol, the optional value returned by theas?operator is unwrapped with optional binding into a constant calledobjectWithArea. TheobjectWithAreaconstant is known to be of typeHasArea, and so itsareaproperty can be accessed and printed in a type-safe way.
Note that the underlying objects are not changed by the casting process. They continue to be aCircle, aCountryand anAnimal. However, at the point that they are stored in theobjectWithAreaconstant, they are only known to be of typeHasArea, and so only theirareaproperty can be accessed.
Optional Protocol Requirements (可选的协议要求)
You can defineoptional requirementsfor protocols, These requirements do not have to be implemented by types that conform to the protocol. Optional requirements are prefixed by theoptionalmodifier as part of the protocol’s definition. Optional requirements are available so that you can write code that interoperates with Objective-C. Both the protocol and the optional requirement must be marked with the@objcattribute. Note that@objcprotocols can be adopted only by classes that inherit from Objective-C classes or other@objcclasses. They can’t be adopted by structures or enumerations.
协议可以定义可选要求,遵循协议的类型可以选择是否实现这些要求。在协议中使用optional关键字作为前缀来定义可选要求。可选要求用在你需要和 Objective-C 打交道的代码中。协议和可选要求都必须带上@objc属性。标记@objc特性的协议只能被继承自 Objective-C 类的类或者@objc类遵循,其他类以及结构体和枚举均不能遵循这种协议。
When you use a method or property in an optional requirement, its type automatically becomes an optional. For example, a method of type(Int) -> Stringbecomes((Int) -> String)?. Note that the entire function type is wrapped in the optional, not the method’s return value.
使用可选要求时(例如,可选的方法或者属性),它们的类型会自动变成可选的。比如,一个类型为(Int) -> String的方法会变成((Int) -> String)?。需要注意的是整个函数类型是可选的,而不是函数的返回值。
An optional protocol requirement can be called with optional chaining, to account for the possibility that the requirement was not implemented by a type that conforms to the protocol. You check for an implementation of an optional method by writing a question mark after the name of the method when it is called, such assomeOptionalMethod?(someArgument). For information on optional chaining, seeOptional Chaining.
The following example defines an integer-counting class calledCounter, which uses an external data source to provide its increment amount. This data source is defined by theCounterDataSourceprotocol, which has two optional requirements:
@objc protocol CounterDataSource{
@objc optional func increment(forCountcount:Int) ->Int
@objc optional var fixedIncrement:Int{get}
TheCounterDataSourceprotocol defines an optional method requirement calledincrement(forCount:)and an optional property requirement calledfixedIncrement. These requirements define two different ways for data sources to provide an appropriate increment amount for aCounterinstance.
Strictly speaking, you can write a custom class that conforms toCounterDataSourcewithout implementingeitherprotocol requirement. They are both optional, after all. Although technically allowed, this wouldn’t make for a very good data source.
TheCounterclass, defined below, has an optionaldataSourceproperty of typeCounterDataSource?:
class Counter{
var count=0
var dataSource:CounterDataSource?
func increment() {
if let amount=dataSource?.increment?(forCount:count) {
} else if let amount=dataSource?.fixedIncrement{
TheCounterclass stores its current value in a variable property calledcount. TheCounterclass also defines a method calledincrement, which increments thecountproperty every time the method is called.
Theincrement()method first tries to retrieve an increment amount by looking for an implementation of theincrement(forCount:)method on its data source. Theincrement()method uses optional chaining to try to callincrement(forCount:), and passes the currentcountvalue as the method’s single argument.
Note thattwolevels of optional chaining are at play here. First, it is possible thatdataSourcemay benil, and sodataSourcehas a question mark after its name to indicate thatincrement(forCount:)should be called only ifdataSourceisn’tnil. Second, even ifdataSourcedoesexist, there is no guarantee that it implementsincrement(forCount:), because it is an optional requirement. Here, the possibility thatincrement(forCount:)might not be implemented is also handled by optional chaining. The call toincrement(forCount:)happens only ifincrement(forCount:)exists—that is, if it isn’tnil. This is whyincrement(forCount:)is also written with a question mark after its name.
Because the call toincrement(forCount:)can fail for either of these two reasons, the call returns anoptionalIntvalue. This is true even thoughincrement(forCount:)is defined as returning a nonoptionalIntvalue in the definition ofCounterDataSource. Even though there are two optional chaining operations, one after another, the result is still wrapped in a single optional. For more information about using multiple optional chaining operations, seeLinking Multiple Levels of Chaining.
After callingincrement(forCount:), the optionalIntthat it returns is unwrapped into a constant calledamount, using optional binding. If the optionalIntdoes contain a value—that is, if the delegate and method both exist, and the method returned a value—the unwrappedamountis added onto the storedcountproperty, and incrementation is complete.
If it isnotpossible to retrieve a value from theincrement(forCount:)method—either becausedataSourceis nil, or because the data source does not implementincrement(forCount:)—then theincrement()method tries to retrieve a value from the data source’sfixedIncrementproperty instead. ThefixedIncrementproperty is also an optional requirement, so its value is an optionalIntvalue, even thoughfixedIncrementis defined as a nonoptionalIntproperty as part of theCounterDataSourceprotocol definition.
Here’s a simpleCounterDataSourceimplementation where the data source returns a constant value of3every time it is queried. It does this by implementing the optionalfixedIncrementproperty requirement:
class ThreeSource:NSObject,CounterDataSource{
let fixedIncrement=3
You can use an instance ofThreeSourceas the data source for a newCounterinstance:
var counter=Counter()
// 3
// 6
// 9
// 12
The code above creates a newCounterinstance; sets its data source to be a newThreeSourceinstance; and calls the counter’sincrement()method four times. As expected, the counter’scountproperty increases by three each timeincrement()is called.
Here’s a more complex data source calledTowardsZeroSource, which makes aCounterinstance count up or down towards zero from its currentcountvalue:
@objc classTowardsZeroSource:NSObject,CounterDataSource{
func increment(forCountcount:Int) ->Int{
if count==0{
return 0
}else if count<0{
return 1
TheTowardsZeroSourceclass implements the optionalincrement(forCount:)method from theCounterDataSourceprotocol and uses thecountargument value to work out which direction to count in. Ifcountis already zero, the method returns0to indicate that no further counting should take place.
You can use an instance ofTowardsZeroSourcewith the existingCounterinstance to count from-4to zero. Once the counter reaches zero, no more counting takes place:
// -3
// -2
// -1
// 0
// 0
Protocol Extensions (协议扩展)
Protocols can be extended to provide method and property implementations to conforming types. This allows you to define behavior on protocols themselves, rather than in each type’s individual conformance or in a global function.
For example, theRandomNumberGeneratorprotocol can be extended to provide arandomBool()method, which uses the result of the requiredrandom()method to return a randomBoolvalue:
extension RandomNumberGenerator{
func randomBool() ->Bool{
return random() >0.5
By creating an extension on the protocol, all conforming types automatically gain this method implementation without any additional modification.
let generator=LinearCongruentialGenerator()
print("Here's a random number:\(generator.random())")
// Prints "Here's a random number: 0.37464991998171"
print("And here's a random Boolean:\(generator.randomBool())")
// Prints "And here's a random Boolean: true"
Providing Default Implementations (提供默认实现)
You can use protocol extensions to provide a default implementation to any method or computed property requirement of that protocol. If a conforming type provides its own implementation of a required method or property, that implementation will be used instead of the one provided by the extension.
Protocol requirements with default implementations provided by extensions are distinct from optional protocol requirements. Although conforming types don’t have to provide their own implementation of either, requirements with default implementations can be called without optional chaining.
For example, thePrettyTextRepresentableprotocol, which inherits theTextRepresentableprotocol can provide a default implementation of its requiredprettyTextualDescriptionproperty to simply return the result of accessing thetextualDescriptionproperty:
extension PrettyTextRepresentable{
var prettyTextualDescription:String{
return textualDescription
Adding Constraints to Protocol Extensions (为协议扩展添加限制条件)
When you define a protocol extension, you can specify constraints that conforming types must satisfy before the methods and properties of the extension are available. You write these constraints after the name of the protocol you’re extending using a genericwhereclause, as described inGeneric Where Clauses.
For instance, you can define an extension to theCollectionprotocol that applies to any collection whose elements conform to theTextRepresentableprotocol from the example above.
extension Collection where Iterator.Element:TextRepresentable{
var textualDescription:String{
return "["+itemsAsText.joined(separator:", ") +"]"
ThetextualDescriptionproperty returns the textual description of the entire collection by concatenating the textual representation of each element in the collection into a comma-separated list, enclosed in brackets.
Consider theHamsterstructure from before, which conforms to theTextRepresentableprotocol, and an array ofHamstervalues:
let murrayTheHamster=Hamster(name:"Murray")
let morganTheHamster=Hamster(name:"Morgan")
let mauriceTheHamster=Hamster(name:"Maurice")
let hamsters= [murrayTheHamster,morganTheHamster,mauriceTheHamster]
BecauseArrayconforms toCollectionand the array’s elements conform to theTextRepresentableprotocol, the array can use thetextualDescriptionproperty to get a textual representation of its contents:
// Prints "[A hamster named Murray, A hamster named Morgan, A hamster named Maurice]"
If a conforming type satisfies the requirements for multiple constrained extensions that provide implementations for the same method or property, Swift will use the implementation corresponding to the most specialized constraints.