
OpenHarmony OpenCV应用样例开发

2024-09-10  本文已影响0人  迪士尼在逃程序员


OpenCV 介绍

OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)是一个开源的计算机视觉和机器学习软件库。它由一系列的 C 函数和少量 C++ 类构成,同时提供 Python、Java 和 MATLAB 等语言的接口,实现了图像处理和计算机视觉方面的很多通用算法。

OpenCV 具有极广的应用领域,它包括但不限于:

本文主要介绍 OpenHarmony 如何用 opencvlib 进行应用样例开发


创建 HAP
引用 OpenCV lib 库
    // Created on 2024/3/5.
    // Node APIs are not fully supported. To solve the compilation error of the interface cannot be found,
    // please include "napi/native_api.h".

    #ifndef OpencvSample_common_H
    #define OpencvSample_common_H

    #include <string>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <js_native_api.h>
    #include <js_native_api_types.h>
    #include <vector>
    #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
    #include "opencv2/imgcodecs/legacy/constants_c.h"
    #include "hilog/log.h"
    #include "napi/native_api.h"
    #include "rawfile/raw_file_manager.h"
    #include "rawfile/raw_file.h"
    #include "rawfile/raw_dir.h"

    #define GLOBAL_RESMGR (0xFFEE)
    constexpr int32_t RGB_565 = 2;
    constexpr int32_t RGBA_8888 = 3;

    constexpr int32_t STR_MAX_SIZE = 200;
    constexpr int32_t LONG_STR_MAX_SIZE = 1024;
    constexpr int32_t ERR_OK = 0;
    constexpr int8_t NO_ERROR = 0;
    constexpr int8_t ERROR = -1;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM0 = 0;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM1 = 1;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM2 = 2;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM3 = 3;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM4 = 4;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM5 = 5;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM6 = 6;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM7 = 7;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM8 = 8;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM9 = 9;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM10 = 10;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM11 = 11;
    constexpr uint8_t PARAM12 = 12;

    constexpr int32_t ARGS_ONE = 1;
    constexpr int32_t ARGS_TWO = 2;
    constexpr int32_t ONLY_CALLBACK_MAX_PARA = 1;
    constexpr int32_t ONLY_CALLBACK_MIN_PARA = 0;

    struct CallbackPromiseInfo {
        napi_ref callback = nullptr;
        napi_deferred deferred = nullptr;
        bool isCallback = false;
        int32_t errorCode = 0;

    template <typename T> void FreeMemory(T *p) {
        if (p == nullptr) {
        delete p;
        p = nullptr;

    template <typename T> void FreeMemoryArray(T *p) {
        if (p == nullptr) {
        delete[] p;
        p = nullptr;
    #define NAPI_CALL_BASE(env, theCall, retVal)                                                                           \
        do {                                                                                                               \
            if ((theCall) != 0) {                                                                                          \
                return retVal;                                                                                             \
            }                                                                                                              \
        } while (0)

    #define NAPI_CALL(env, theCall) NAPI_CALL_BASE(env, theCall, nullptr)

    extern bool GetMatFromRawFile(napi_env env, napi_value jsResMgr, const std::string &rawfileDir,
                                  const std::string &fileName, cv::Mat &srcImage);
    extern bool cvtMat2Pixel(cv::InputArray _src, cv::OutputArray &_dst, int code);
    extern napi_value NapiGetNull(napi_env env);
    extern uint32_t GetMatDataBuffSize(const cv::Mat &mat);
    extern bool CreateArrayBuffer(napi_env env, uint8_t *src, size_t srcLen, napi_value *res);
    extern napi_value NapiGetUndefined(napi_env env);
    extern napi_value GetCallbackErrorValue(napi_env env, int32_t errCode);
    extern napi_value NapiGetBoolean(napi_env env, const bool &isValue);
    extern uint32_t GetMatDataBuffSize(const cv::Mat &mat);
    extern void SetCallback(const napi_env &env, const napi_ref &callbackIn, const int32_t &errorCode,
                            const napi_value &result);
    extern void SetPromise(const napi_env &env, const napi_deferred &deferred, const int32_t &errorCode,
                           const napi_value &result);
    extern void ReturnCallbackPromise(const napi_env &env, const CallbackPromiseInfo &info, const napi_value &result);
    extern napi_value JSParaError(const napi_env &env, const napi_ref &callback);
    extern void PaddingCallbackPromiseInfo(const napi_env &env, const napi_ref &callback, CallbackPromiseInfo &info,
                                           napi_value &promise);
    extern bool WrapJsPixelInfoInfo(napi_env env, cv::Mat &outMat, napi_value &result);

    #endif //OpencvSample_common_H

    using namespace std;
    using namespace cv;
    static const char *TAG = "[opencv_img2Gray]";

    napi_value Img2Gray(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
        OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, GLOBAL_RESMGR, TAG, "Img2Gray Begin");
        napi_value result = NapiGetNull(env);
        size_t argc = 3;
        napi_value argv[3] = {nullptr};

        napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, argv, nullptr, nullptr);

        size_t strSize;
        char strBuf[256];
        napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, argv[1], strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), &strSize);
        std::string fileDir(strBuf, strSize);
        OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, GLOBAL_RESMGR, TAG, "fileDir:%{public}s", fileDir.c_str());

        napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, argv[2], strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), &strSize);
        std::string fileName(strBuf, strSize);
        OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, GLOBAL_RESMGR, TAG, "fileName:%{public}s", fileName.c_str());

        Mat srcImage;
        if (!GetMatFromRawFile(env, argv[0], fileDir, fileName, srcImage)) {
            OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_ERROR, GLOBAL_RESMGR, TAG, "Get Mat from rawfile failed!.");
            return result;

        Mat srcGray;
        cvtColor(srcImage, srcGray, COLOR_RGB2GRAY);

        // 將图像转换为pixelMap格式
        Mat outMat;
        cvtMat2Pixel(srcGray, outMat, RGBA_8888);
        OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, GLOBAL_RESMGR, TAG, "outMat size: %{public}d, cols:%{public}d, rows:%{public}d",
                     outMat.total(), outMat.cols, outMat.rows);

        napi_create_object(env, &result);
        bool retVal = WrapJsPixelInfoInfo(env, outMat, result);
        if (!retVal) {
            OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_ERROR, GLOBAL_RESMGR, TAG, "WrapJsInfo failed!.");

        return result;

    static napi_value Init(napi_env env, napi_value exports)
        napi_property_descriptor desc[] = {
            {"add", nullptr, Add, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, napi_default, nullptr},
            {"img2Gray", nullptr, Img2Gray, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, napi_default, nullptr}
        napi_define_properties(env, exports, sizeof(desc) / sizeof(desc[0]), desc);
        return exports;

    import resourceManager from '@ohos.resourceManager';

    export interface PixelInfo {
      rows: number;
      cols: number;
      buffSize: number;
      byteBuffer: ArrayBuffer;

    export const add: (a: number, b: number) => number;
    export const img2Gray: (resmgr: resourceManager.ResourceManager, path: string, file: string) => PixelInfo;
    Column() {
      Image(this.isGray ? this.imagePixelMap : $rawfile('lena.jpg'))
        .margin({ left: 24, right: 24 })

      Row() {
        Button($r('app.string.image_gray'), { type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .backgroundColor(this.isGray ? Color.Gray : Color.Blue)
          .margin({ left: 24 })
          .enabled(this.isGray ? false : true)
          .onClick(() => {
            let pixelInfo: testNapi.PixelInfo = testNapi.img2Gray(getContext().resourceManager, '', 'lena.jpg');
            Logger.info(TAG, `pixelInfo buffSize: ${pixelInfo.buffSize}`);

            let opts: image.InitializationOptions = {
              editable: true,
              pixelFormat: this.pixelMapFormat,
              size: { height: pixelInfo.rows, width: pixelInfo.cols }
            image.createPixelMap(pixelInfo.byteBuffer, opts, (error, pixelmap) => {
              if (error) {
                Logger.error(TAG, `Failed to create pixelmap error_code ${error.code}`);
              } else {
                Logger.info(TAG, 'Succeeded in creating pixelmap.');
                this.imagePixelMap = pixelmap;
            this.isGray = true;

        Button($r('app.string.image_recover'), { type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.isGray = false;




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