Elon Musk-(10)The Revenge Of The
1.a modicum of: a small amount of something, especially a good quality
原文:Carmakers looking to put a modicum of effort into their ads have been hawking the exact same things for decades
造句:Elon Musk owns a modicum of coding gift.
近义:a litany of一连串的
2.upend: set or turn (something) on its end or upside down.
原文:Then, using a form of entrepreneurial judo, he upended the decades of criticisms against electric cars.
造句:This discovery upends the common sense.
3.arrogant: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities
原文:Musk had never run a car factory before and was considered arrogant and amateurish by Detroit.
造句:Brilliant scientists are often arrogant like Musk.
4.bear the brunt of: 首当其冲的
cough up:咳出;认罪;勉强说出(某事);掏出
原文:Musk said that four hundred customers who had already placed their orders for a Roadster but not yet received them would bear the brunt of the price change and need to cough up the extra cash.
造句:Musk had to bear the brunt of deny and distrust due to the divorce and financial crisis in his company.
近义:cough up, pony up, shell out, 不情愿的花很多钱
1. tout: attempt to sell (something), typically by pestering people in an aggressive or bold manner.
2. din: a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise
3. flush with: 与。。齐平
4. bolster: support or strengthen; prop up
5. jeopardize: put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure
先附一个书友写的很棒的Model S介绍链接:
Tesla was, in effect, willed into existence by Musk and reflects his personality as much as Intel, Microsoft, and Apple reflect the personalities of their founders.
前面介绍了Model S的主要概况,以及销售时的trick和Musk应对产品问题提供的完善的售后。后面讲了Tesla 与Fisker的竞争,这点很像当年的盖茨受乔帮主图形操作桌面的启发而建立了微软帝国。不管怎样曲折,相信Tesla最终很有可能像Musk所希望的一样成为影响人们生活改变世界的公司和产品。