
2017-02-09  本文已影响75人  神乐酱酱酱

Every Seven Years You Change

Rudolph Steiner, the great teacher of Anthroposophy said that the seven-year cyclescontinue throughout life, and are of the utmost importance to doctors,teachers, psychiatrists and the social sciences. Without some smattering ofthese changes it is difficult for anyone to understand the relationship of anygiven individual with his or her environment. So I have tried to summarise whatSteiner and others have said about the cycles.

伟大的人智学老师鲁道夫·斯坦纳(Rudolph Steiner)说过,人的一生中每七年的周期,对医生、教师、精神病学家、社会科学是至为重要的。如果对这些变化不略知一二,任何人都难以理解个体与他/她所处环境的关系。所以我试着总结了斯坦纳和其他人对这些周期的描述。


The changes become more subtle as the yearspass. The next cycle from twenty eight to thirty-five, for instance, is onewhere the creative process of mind becomes most active. Researchers andinventors seem to make their greatest advances during these years. It isinteresting to note that physical science finds evidence of the reason for thisin the fact that the association centres of the brain come to their peak efficiency at about thirty-five years of age.



This is even more interesting when we seethat most of the great religious teachers and philosophers came to some vitalexperience at thirty-five. Jesus, Buddha, Paul, Dante and Jacob Behmen were allin the region of thirty-five at the point of their greatest insights. It wouldseem then, that if there is an inspirational influence at work in the life, it would possibly reach its peak during these years in and around thirty-five.


Here we take stock of ourselves and the emotional influences that have shaped our personality. We begin to determine what is us and what traits we have been pressured by family, peers or society to adopt.


35-42 years

From thethirty-fifth to the forty-second year, depending upon one’s personality andwhat one’s circumstances allow, one begins to feel a new restlessness. In somedegree a desire to share whatever one has gained through life with others comesto the surface. Thus we find many successful business men building libraries,or aiding colleges and the arts at this period in their life. What has beendeveloped or realised can be taken to greater subtlety during this period. Thisis almost like unfolding something, perhaps similar to the way a flower unfolds a bud that has been developing in earlier phases of its growth.



This is when we reassess the results of what we are doing externally in our life. Ourrelationships, careers, habits and the ways we interact are all put underscrutiny and modified or changed. It’s a time of facing up to what does and what doesn’t satisfy us.


You mayreach heights or realisation and creativity not touched previously. Theprofound breakthrough of ones innate genius that emerges around this time willno doubt be expressed in some degree. However, whatever is attained or realisedwill be enlarged and synthesised in later periods.


42-49 years

In the next cycle from forty-two until forty-nine a major change usually takes place. It is as if one takes all of one’s life experience up till this age and begins to digest it, and extract from it new ideals and a new direction in life. There is often tremendous unrest in this period and that following it. The unlived aspects of life cry out to be recognised and allowed. The desire to make a mark in life if it has not already been achieved presses for action here.



At this point it appears to many of us that we have reached the mid point of our life and from here on there will be a decline. Even if this is not so it is often felt very strongly and acted upon in one way or another. People change partners, life directions, and even attempt major personal changes, although these latter may have begun in the last cycle.


Also, the emotional age and the maturing of love may at last show signs of an unconditional love. If this is not appearing in small degree, it might be one is still locked in earlier ages. Strangely, many of us maintain the emotional age of a child right into mature years, feeling all the fear of abandonment, jealousy and possessiveness of our childhood. Many divorces and new directions appear around this period.


In these years we move from old stereotypical roles with a new found confidence in our individuality. We are prepared to please our self, rather than society and gain a real understanding of our uniqueness, accompanied by a sense of urgency to express our true self before it gets too late.


49-56 years

In this, and the next cycle from forty-nine to fifty-six, and the periods that follow, the physical changes bring about a mental or spiritual climax. The decline of physical prowess and vitality, forces the person to direct their attention inwards more frequently. Any problems of our personality, such as maladjustment and our repressions, will undoubtedly become more urgent in these years. This reacts upon one’s marriage and professional life alike. The problem is that we have to learn to live with ourselves in a new way. We slowly have to adapt to our new-old body, and habits of long-standing do not die easily.



This is when we take an inventory of our life. It’s a time of spiritual questioning and review of our life purpose. If we haven’t successfully understood who we are by this stage and achieved our goals, then depression, moodiness and turmoil will plague both our waking life and our dreams.


56-63 years

This period is often a time of inner tranquility and acceptance. At peace with oneself and more accepting of where we are and what we have achieved marks this period. But many things that were lying unlived within you might arise at this time, either as a form of unrest, or as directly living out those things that duty or work – or even self restraints – kept you from doing or being.



Usually your life situation begins to change in this stage. There is the start of a great shift and adjustment, both in terms of external activities, but also in how you deal with and feel about relationships. Part of the difficulty is that you have lived a long life as a younger person, and the old ways of dealing with things is often difficult to let go of as things change. The opportunity to experiment more fully in life helps you to reassess yourself and what new way of relating and being suits you or is satisfying.


The psychiatrist Carl Jung and others such as Nietzsche developed a whole theory about this period of life that he called Individuation. Perhaps the influence of this began in the last periods during the forties, but becomes more marked now. As an individual we may come to recognise that our make-up is formed out of the collective experience of our family and the culture we have been exposed to. The question, “Who am I,” leads us to look more fully into what makes us who we are. This awareness and the insight gained from it transforms us. The change is that of becoming more fully independent of the forces that formed us. This means we create something new of who we are, and perhaps leave something of this new self in the world by what we do, create or live. Not every one undertakes this diving into the depths of self to discover ones core being.

精神病学家卡尔•荣格(Carl Jung)以及尼采等人,针对这一人生阶段发展出了完整的理论并称之为个体化(Individuation)。也许个体化的影响在上个周期(四十岁左右)就已经开始,但是现在更为明显。作为个体,我们可能会逐渐意识到,我们的“面具”是基于家庭的集体经验以及所处的文化而形成的。“我是谁”的问题引领我们更全面地观察:是什么造就了如今的我们?对此的觉知和从中取得的洞见将会转化我们。改变就在于,我们会更全然地独立于造就我们的那些力量。这意味着,我们创造出了新的自己。或许通过自己所做的、创造的、生活的方式,我们就将崭新自我的一些品质留给了世界。并非每个人都会着手去潜入自我的深层,以发现存在的核心。

To quote from the website Soul-Guidance, “Individuation means that one becomes a person, an individual, a totally integrated personality. It is a process of self realization during which one integrates those contents of the psyche that have the ability to become conscious. It is a search for totality. It is an experience that could be formulated as the discovery of the divine in yourself, or the discovery of the totality of your Self. This does not always happen without pain, but it is necessary to accept many things that normally we would shy away from. Once a person has accepted the contents of his unconsciousness and has reached the goal of the individuation process, he is conscious of his relationships with everything that lives, with the entire cosmos.”


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