

2019-06-04  本文已影响3人  教书匠阿伦

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)estimatesthat over the next 10 to 20 years, “14 percent of jobs are at high risk of being fully automated, while another 32 percent at risk ofsignificantchange”.STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)permeatesjust about every aspect of our lives. To keep up with the world’s future needs, a highly skilled workforce in this field becomes important, as the development of economies also rely on this field, which makes it crucial to prepare graduates for STEM-related careers.


In his article for the World Economic Forum (WEF),Verizon CommunicationsCEO Hans Vestberg notes: “As technology evolves, it’s become increasingly clear to me that our education systems are not preparing people for the opportunities that 5G and other Fourth Industrial Revolutionbreakthroughswill present. Educators, policy-makers, non-profits and the business community need to confront this fact – even if (especially if) this means questioning long-standing practices and trendyassumptions.”

威瑞森通信首席执行官Hans Vestberg在为世界经济论坛撰写的文章中指出:“随着技术的发展,我越来越清楚地认识到我们的教育并没有为人们提供能力迎接5G以及其他四次工业革命突破带来的机会。教育工作者、政策制定者、非盈利组合及企业界需要面对这一事实:即使这意味着质疑长期存在的做法和趋势的假设。”

Hans adds that it’s important to instilquality STEM skills to meet the needs of our “ever-more-technological society”, and that “our society must significantly improve its STEM education across all income levels and age groups and among both genders”.


Our tech-driven era means there’s a need to continuously learn and upskill to meet the ever-changing needs of the workforce. “The idea that our formal education should end at 22 or 25 (much less 18) is now completely outdated. As technology changes more rapidly – and as humans live longer lives, with more people working well past traditional retirement ages – the need for flexible, responsive schooling and training models isacute,” says Hans.


Verizon CommunicationsVerizon公司是由美国两家原地区贝尔运营公司——大西洋贝尔和Nynex合并建立BellAtlantic后,独立电话公司GTE合并而成的,公司正式合并后,Verizon一举成为美国最大的本地电话公司、最大的无线通信公司,全世界最大的印刷黄页和在线黄页信息的提供商。Verizon在美国、欧洲、亚洲、太平洋等全球45个国家经营电信及无线业务,公司在纽约证券交易所上市。


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