
2018-12-31  本文已影响3人  雅慧sisi


原创: 萨古鲁 Isha 9月8日


这个问题是此次“青年与真理”提问活动中,Mouni Roy向萨古鲁提问的问题,Mouni Roy是最受欢迎女演员之一。每一天我们都处在各种各样的关系中,一开始这些关系通常是美妙的,然而随着彼此接触的深入,矛盾开始产生,它们看起来不再那么美好,尤其是恋爱与夫妻关系。为什么会这样?我们应该如何处理这些关系,以使得我们自己以及对方都能够在彼此的关系中变得喜悦?对于这个问题,萨古鲁是如何回答的,请观看视频与阅读下面的文章。

Mouni Roy: My question is, complexities of any relationship, why do they beyond a point become complex? Whether it’s between girlfriends, whether it’s between boyfriends. And specially relationship between a girlfriend and a boyfriend and husband-wife.

Mouni Roy:我的问题是关于关系,为什么过了一个时间点后关系都会变得复杂呢?不管是女性朋友之间还是男性朋友之间,还有尤其是恋爱关系和夫妻关系。

Sadhguru: Namaskaram Mouni. So you are beginning to taste the sourness of relationships. Of course, everybody knows the sweetness of relationships too, but there is also a lot of sourness. Unfortunately today, we have imbibed this from the West again that if you utter the word “relationship,” people are generally thinking of body-based relationships or in some way, it has to be between a man and a woman or whatever else, but essentially, body-based relationship.


No, relationships can be of many kinds. If they’re body-based relationships, usually the excitement about each other’s body will die after some time. What you thought was ultimate, is not ultimate after some time. It is natural that you begin to grow out of it, then when the main draw which brought people together is kind of melting away, without knowing why, they start being unpleasant to each other. Because essentially, such a relationship is towards extracting sweetness from another person extracting happiness from another person. So if you try to squeeze joy out of somebody, after some time, you find when it doesn’t yield the same results as it used to yield in the beginning, some bitterness will begin. 


It is important when you are young, certain things may happen. As you start growing older... When I say older, from yesterday to today, you’re older. I am not saying you’re old, Mouni, I’m just saying from yesterday to today you’re a little older. So today, you must be thinking in terms of that relationships that you hold in your life, not necessarily in terms of biological relationships, any kind of relationship that you hold if relationship is based on your expression of joy, not on extraction of joy.


For this, you must become joyful by your own nature, first of all. If you focus on this, that you are an exuberant overflow of joy, if it is so and your relationship is only about sharing this, then you don’t have to worry about the normal circus that people go through in terms of relationships.


Managing relationships means, in day to day life, a relationship may not stay just in one area of life, once people are together they will have to share many things. Naturally you will start stepping on each other’s toes for many, many small things that happen. Because of this, there will be many interactions or you can even call them altercations, they will happen. All this you cannot manage on a daily basis. People think they can manage, after some time you will see, you cannot manage. So the best thing is to manage yourself in such a way that you’re a natural, exuberant, joyful being. 


If this is so, relationships will happen, and relationships will not be need-based. When relationships are need-based, if what you need does not come, you will start cribbing, you will start complaining, and you will start feeling bitter that what you are supposed to get you are not getting. If you eliminate this need within you that you are a natural overflow of joy, if this one thing you do, you can have fabulous relationship with every kind of people irrespective of who they are. They don’t have to be your kind. With all sorts of people you can hold wonderful relationships. May you have the most beautiful relationships in your life.


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