Data Flow Transformations

2019-10-02  本文已影响0人  鲸鱼酱375

1.Data Flow Transformations:

Transformation Types:

Transformations are classified as follows:

Row Transformations: row by row

Split and Join Transformations

Rowset Transformations full blocking

Business Intelligence Transformations

Auditing Transformations

Synchronous and Asynchronous Transformations:

SSIS dataflow contain 2 types of components:


◌row by row processing
◌ doesn't create new buffer

◆when you have pipline, you have buffer(by default 10 mb)

buffer and thread

execution tree

how to check execution tree?


◆ in transformation, we might need wait whole record; or wait partial record

semi-blocking vs full-blocking

semi full
read a portion source and apply trans and send to destination 2 execution tree
may or may not require more buffer must create new buffer
N in =/= N out only execute transflormation when all record were read

Synchronous Vs Asynchronous:


thread(?): when you creating a new buffer, it required a new engine thread

Data Conversion:

It can be used to:


Character Map:

You configure the Character Map transformation in the following ways:

Copy Column:

Derived Column:

▶always use when we want to calculate


