Diary of wimpy kid _Old school
call off:If you call off an event that has been planned, you cancel it.
e.g I have called off the trip to Beijing.
Diary of wimpy kid _Old schoolcancel out:if two things cancel each other out, they are equally important and have an opposite effect to each other, so that neither one has any effect .相互抵消
e.g He wonders if the different influences might not cancel each other out.
Diary of wimpy kid _Old schoolswipe
Diary of wimpy kid _Old school刷各种卡
Diary of wimpy kid _Old school Diary of wimpy kid _Old school各种便宜
①for a song
e.g The old car can be bought for a song.
② steal
e.g This suit is a steal at $80.
e.g Now's your chance to buy these items at knockdown prices.
e.g The furniture is being sold at rock-bottom prices.
⑤dirt cheap(白菜价)
e.g Such cheap goods obviously rely on dirt cheap labor.
e.g This is a rip-off. 这是宰人价!
② sticker shock(名词性短语):is the shock you feel when you find out how expensive something is.
e.g The price of IPHONE 7 is so high, which gives me sticker shock.And if I go to buy it, I'll be ripped off.
e.g It's the shenanings.这就是套路!
whoever it was (不知道是男生还是女生it代替)
break the news
breaking news 最新消息
lift the finger:To help with something. Often used in the negative to indicate a lack of willingness to exert even the bare minimum of effort.
not lift/raise a finger:to not make any effort to help
e.g Eric never lift a finger to help those people who ask questions without thinking .
shack shack
汉堡店get/be all turned around:找不着北了哈哈
practically impossible/the same
e.g It's practically impossible to learn English well in one month.
maintenance /ˈmeɪn·tən·əns/ 重音在前面
maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/
ran smack into 刚好撞上
②slack seasons
e.g February is a slack time for hotels by the sea.
③low seasons
①on seasons
②high seasons
e.g High season on Jiuzhaiguo is from Setember to October.
过渡季shoulder seasons : The time between high and low seasons in a travel market, or, if the market is divided into four segments , the time just below high seasons.
heaven 见笔记mp.weixin.qq.com/s
take up the offer接受意见
e.g Jane has taken Eric up his offer to take a breathe and relax herself.
I will take up the offer if you were right.