ICA Communication & Technology D

2018-10-12  本文已影响0人  苏俊斌


Ran Wei, Vice-Chair

School of Journalism and Mass Communications

University of South Carolina

E-mail: wei2@sc.edu

The Communication and Technology (CAT) Division is concerned with the role played by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in human communication processes. It is committed to enhancing theory and methodology pertaining to the adoption, use, applications, effects, and the psychological, social, and policy implications of ICTs.

Areas of research include new media, social media, augmented and virtual reality, human-computer interaction, computer-mediated communication, technology studies, big data, social network sites, crowdsourcing, digital news, crisis, and other technologically-mediated social interaction and networking at all levels of analysis (intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational, national, and international).

 The CAT Division is open to all methodological orientations (e.g., experimental, survey, computational, discursive, cultural, critical, historical, legal, etc.).  

CAT invites papers and panel session proposals that make an innovative and original contribution to our understanding of ICTs, with a focus on the technology itself within the context of human communication. Papers in which technology is not the focus or is only included as a method of data collection (e.g., data collected via an online survey) are not a good fit for CAT.

Submission Format

For the Washington, DC conference, CAT will accept three types of submissions: Full papers, extended abstracts, and panel session proposals. Submissions exceeding the word limits or incorrectly formatted (e.g., not blinded) will be rejected without review.

We select reviewers based on paper title, abstract, and the keywords used when submitting the paper as well as those in the paper itself.  Please be as descriptive as possible and include information about theory, method/approach, and topic area so that appropriate reviewers can be identified.

Full Papers

Full-length scholarly papers should be completed papers with no more than 25 double-spaced pages for the body of the paper (excluding abstract, tables, figures, endnotes, and references) using standard 1-inch/2.54-cm margins and 12-point font. Preferably manuscripts should be prepared in APA(6) style. Work already published or accepted for publication may not be submitted.

Paper authors are expected to conceal their identity from reviewers (e.g., no names on title page, no names in file properties, and appropriate concealment). If citing your own work, be sure to use the 3rd person to keep the paper anonymous or replace paper author names with “AUTHOR” in text and bibliography. If ALL of the authors are students, then it should be designated a student paper in the submission process and it is eligible for the student paper awards. CAT recognizes four Top Papers and four Top Student Papers.

Extended Abstracts

Submitted extended abstracts are not to exceed 2,000 words (excluding references). Extended abstracts should present in a concise way the purpose of the paper, main theoretical framework/assumptions and, if applicable, research methods and preliminary and/or expected findings. Extended abstracts should clearly state the contribution of the paper to CAT scholarship. Submitters must delete all identifying information before submitting an extended abstract. Authors must include the words “Extended Abstract” on their title page and in their paper title when entering it into the ICA submission site (e.g., Extended Abstract: Paper title). Extended abstracts are only eligible for the CAT poster session. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters during the scheduled sessions and authors should bring a poster or visual aid (e.g., tablet or laptop) to the conference. Extended abstracts submissions are not eligible for top paper awards, but CAT does give a top poster award annually.

All accepted extended abstracts will be presented as posters and all accepted full-length papers will be presented in paper sessions, including high density sessions.


Panel Proposals

In addition to full papers and extended abstracts, CAT welcomes panel session proposals in which panelists and audience members discuss and debate issues. Panel proposals require a 400-word rationale for the panel and a 150-word abstract from each panel participant.

Volunteer to Review

As CAT routinely receives a large number of submissions, we need a large number of volunteer reviewers. Typically, three reviewers rate each paper. We encourage all CAT faculty members and doctoral students to volunteer to review submissions. To review, you need to enroll as a volunteer in the ICA submission site at the time of submission AND complete the reviewer survey. Information about the reviewer survey, which collects information about reviewer expertise, will be emailed to CAT members and volunteer reviewers.  To match reviewers with submissions, be sure you update your ICA member profile’s 200-word description of your research interests. We make reviewer assignments based on your research interests stated in your membership profile. If you do not have the time to write even a few words explaining the rationale for your score, please do not review for CAT.

Volunteer for Session Chairs

Scholars interested in chairing sessions should indicate their interest in the volunteer section of the submission web pages. Preference will be given to those who indicate they will attend the conference regardless of paper status.

If you have any questions about the ICA 2019 CAT submission process, or have other questions or suggestions, please send email to the CAT 2019 program planner and Vice-Chair: Ran Wei at wei2@sc.edu with the words “ICA CAT” in the subject line.

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