2021-07-27 本文已影响0人
1,At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue. 在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况。
2,The limitation on the imitations is preliminarily eliminated. 对模仿的限制初步被消除。
3,The unconventional convention put many people to inconvenience. 那个不合惯例的大会使很多人感到不便。
4,The ventilator inventor’s adventure prevented him from venturing revenge. 通风机发明家的奇遇阻止了他冒险复仇。
5,Even the evening event couldn’t eventually spoil the joy of the new year’s eve. 即便是傍晚的事件最终也无损除夕的快乐。