
2017-11-21  本文已影响0人  行走在路上的余獭獭

"Hum! Born in New Jersey in 1858," said Holmes. "La Scala, hum! Prima donna Imperial Opera of Warsaw! Retired from operatic stage, ha! Now living in London. Your Majesty and this young person became lovers. You wrote her some revealing letters, and now you wish to get those letters back."


La Scala (意大利米兰市)卡斯卡拉歌剧院

prima donna 首席女歌手

imperial adj. 帝国的

retire v. 退休

"You're right. But how did you...?"


"Was there a secret message?"




"No legal papers?"


legal adj. 法律的



"Then if this young woman were to use the letters to threaten you or for other purposes, how could she prove they are real?"


threaten v. 讹诈

purpose n. 目的

prove v. 证明

"My handwriting."


handwriting n. 字迹

"You can say it was copied."


copy v. 仿造

"My private paper."




"My own seal."


seal n. 印鉴



imitate v. 模仿

"My photograph."




"We were both in the photograph."


"Oh, dear! Now that is very bad! You have put yourself in some serious danger."


"I was only Crown Prince then. I was young. But I am thirty now."


"The photograph has to be recovered."


recover v. 收回

"I tried to but it off her. She refused. I sent my people to steal it. They failed. I don't even know where the photograph is."


Holmes laughed.


"It might be funnt to you, but it is a very serious problem for me," said the King.


"What does she plan to do with the photograph?"


"Ruin me."


ruin v. 毁掉



"I am about to be married."


"I've heard the news."


"To Clotilde Lothman von Sax-Meningen. She is the second daughter of the King of Scandinavia. Her family had very strict principles. And the woman herself is very delicate."


strict adj. 严格的

principle n. 规矩

"And Irene Adler?"


"She's threatening to send them the photograph."


"You are sure that she has not sent it yer?"


"I am sure."


"How do you know?"


"Because she said that she would send it on the day the marriage is officially announced. That will be next Monday."


officially adv. 正式地

announce v. 宣告

"That gives us three days," said Holmes with a yawn. "Your Majesty is going to stay in London for now?"


yawn v. 打呵欠

for now 暂时

"Certainly. You will find me at the Langham under the name of the Count Von Kramm."


"Good. What about the money?"


"I'll give you as much as you want."


"And for expenses?"


The King took a heavy leather bag from under his cloak and threw it on the table.


"That's three hundred pounds in gold and another seven hundred in notes," he said.


Holmes wrote up a receipt and handed it to the King.


receipt n. 收条

"And the young lady's address?" Holmes asked.


"Briony Lodge, Serpentine Avenue, St. John's Wood."


lodge n. 旅馆

"One other question. Was the photograph a cabinet?"


cabinet n. 六英寸大小的照片



"Then, good night, Your Majesty. We'll soon have some good news for you."


The wheels of the royal coach rolled down the street.


"And good night, Watson. Come by tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock. I would like to discuss my case with you."


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