TED21天团-预习-04-A simple way to br

2017-05-19  本文已影响54人  DE8UG

Day04-A simple way to break a bad habit


单词  词性  解释
meditate    v.  冥想
wander  v.  闲逛,瞎转
retreat n.  静修
drift off   v.  飘离
reinforcement   n.  加固,增援
trigger v.  触发
morbidity   n.  发病率
mortality   n.  死亡率
twist   n.  扭转,转弯
curious adj.    好奇
cognitively adv.    认知上
in her bones        在她骨子里
disenchanted    v.  不再抱幻想的
prefrontal cortex   n.  前额叶皮质
relate to   v.  有联系;有关
poof    n./int. 感叹词
paradox n.  悖论
craving n.  渴望
bite-size   adj.    很小的,简单的
clobber v.  连续打击,彻底击垮
Gold standard therapy   n.  黄金标准疗法
self-referential    adj.    自我参照的
perpetuate  v.  保持,使不朽


The instruction was simple enough but I was missing something really important.
Obesity and smoking are among the leading preventable causes of morbidity and mortality in the world.
Go ahead and smoke.
She moved from knowing in her head that smoking was bad for her to knowing it in her bones.
This isn't to say that, poof, magically we quit smoking. 
We start to notice that cravings are simply made up of body sensations.
Notice the urge, get curious,feel the joy of letting go and repeat.




Maybe in our teenage years, we were a nerd at school, and we see those rebel kids outside smoking and we think, "Hey, I want to be cool." So we start smoking. The Marlboro Man wasn't a dork, and that was no accident. See cool, smoke to be cool, feel good. Repeat. Trigger, behavior, reward. And each time we do this, we learn to repeat the process and it becomes a habit. So later, feeling stressed out triggers that urge to smoke a cigarette or to eat something sweet.




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