There are no limits to what you can
accomplish, except the limits you
place on your own thinking.
-Brian Tracy
This morning I sent lucky to the kindergarten, but I had no time to take the picture.
Because she met her best friend who is a boy.
So they hand in hand walked to the kindergarten.
In the evening when I back home, it was ten o'clock.
When I opened the door, the first person was my daughter, she just stood there.
I was exhausted and I told her "can you give me a hug" every time
I speak the sentences she will come here and hug me.
She told me she already finished her shower, she already choosed her clothes for tomorrow. She already brushed her teeth. Everything was ready.
That made me happy. Because I don't need to shouting to her. "You need do the thing, you need do that thing"
And then today evening she had so Many words to me.
We talked about what happened in the kindergarten today.
Today she learned the English in the kindergarten that were - Raining sunny, cloudy Snowy.
At first she said the teacher taught them the seasons and I asked her, she Didn't remember it.
Then I sayed "spring, summer, autumn, winter"
At last, I know that, that is whether.
On the bedroom, we also talked so many things. And I let her
Introduce herself. Actually, she Didn't know how to say that.
Then I asked she answered, she know everything that.
In the evening I also talked to the parents, my daughter English was good.