
2015-05-06  本文已影响56人  心翱翔

情节:女狱警朵恩告诉卢克一点儿有关拉丁语课程的事情,这让卢克心中有些担心。然而,当卢克和拉丁语教师邓禄普聊过后,他们开始了第一节 “拉丁语课程” 。这堂课结束后,让卢克感到兴奋异常。


【女狱警朵恩】Oh[1], I checked. 19 years since we last had a boy do Latin A-level in here. Hopefully you'll last a bit longer than he did - think he found the coursework a bit much.

The Latin languageThe Latin language
【卢克】:He dropped out[2].

【女狱警朵恩】Yeah, we had to put bars on the windows after that. Only suicide note we've ever had in an ancient language.


【拉丁语教师邓禄普】Ah[3], Luke, tell me... when was the last time you had two fingers of fruity[4] 70-year-old inside you?

【卢克】:Right, well, I tried.


【拉丁语教师邓禄普】Not a port[5] man, eh[6]? Oh, well, suit yourself[7]. So you want to learn Latin? Well, let's kick off[8] with a mock A-level paper, shall we? See what stage you're at.


Port winePort wine

【卢克】:Here's the thing[9]. I'm more at the... never-done-any-Latin-ever stage.

【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:What the hell[10] are you doing here, then?

【卢克】:I made a promise to my girlfriend that I'd get an A-level.


【卢克】:Yeah, girlfriend. Sorry about that. I'm completely off the market[11]. You know you seem like a nice guy and...


【拉丁语教师邓禄普】Cherish her, Luke, she won't be there forever. One day you'll wake up and her cold body will be lying next to you, dead from a massive cerebral aneurism[12].

【卢克】:I think Gemma's got a few years left in her[13].


【卢克】:Oh, you're talking about your...

【拉丁语教师邓禄普】My darling Angie. Snatched from[14] me last week... and just 82. Why would you do this, God?

【卢克】:So do we start with a bit of vocab[15]?

【拉丁语教师邓禄普】Fuck Latin!




【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Yes, Latin won't bring Angie back! I've got to live my life[16]. You and me, Luke, we're going to start having some fun[17].

【卢克】:Do you mean you're going to bum[18] me?

【拉丁语教师】:I'm a Latin teacher, not a Geography teacher. Now be a good chap[19] and switch the rugger[20] on.

It's rugger! Come on, chaps!It's rugger! Come on, chaps!

【卢克】:Do I have to do coursework[21] and lots of exams?

【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Some's not living their life. I shall take care of[22] all the form-filling[23]. Now, young Luke, Let's get you an A, shall we?


(注:于是,拉丁语教师邓禄普和卢克,一老一少开始尽情娱乐,饮酒,吃食品,看电视,玩游戏,过生日,吹笛,跳舞,玩焰火等等,真可谓一节丰富多彩的拉丁语课)此时,美国摇滚乐队 Jefferson Starship 的专辑《The Very Best of Starship》中的《Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now》音乐响起,部分歌词如下:

  • And we can build this dream together
  • Standing stronger forever
  • Nothing's gonna stop us now
  • And if this world runs out of lovers
  • We'll still have each other
  • Nothing's gonna stop us
  • Nothing's gonna stop us
  • Ooh, all that I need is you...
美国摇滚乐队 Jefferson Starship 的专辑《The Very Best of Starship》美国摇滚乐队 Jefferson Starship 的专辑《The Very Best of Starship》 Nothing's Gonna Stop Us NowNothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Well, that's your first lesson done.

【卢克】:I love Latin!

【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:I wonder if you'd take these bloody credits? They're clogging up[24] my drawer. Is that enough?


【卢克】:That looks about right[25]. Same time tomorrow?

【拉丁语教师邓禄普】:Was Virgil[26] an Etruscan[27]?

Etruscan armyEtruscan army

【卢克】:I've got literally no idea.

  1. 【oh】(表示领悟,或引出答话、评语等)哦,噢,唔;(表示惊奇、恐惧、痛苦、恼怒、高兴或喜悦等)唉,啊,呀,哈;(用于引起注意)喂,嘿,嗨;(用于思索想说的话,或表示犹豫)呃,嗯

  2. 【drop out】退出,辍学,退学,脱离,(因不满传统制度而)退出正常社会,放浪形骸

  3. 【ah】(感叹词,表示痛苦、懊悔、憎恨、厌恶、遗憾、蔑视、惊奇、高兴、赞赏、同情或不同意)啊,呀,嗳

  4. 【fruity】adj. 果香的,果味的,含有大量水果的;(粗俗而常含有色情内容)逗笑的,如 a fruity joke,remark,story,etc,色情的笑话、言语、故事等;(指声音等)圆润而深沉的

  5. 【port】n. 波尔图葡萄酒;港口;港口城市,钢市,口岸;缝隙或开口,尤指(电子)端口;气门,通道,排气口;射击孔,炮眼,枪眼;舷窗;舷孔,舷门

  6. 【eh】(请对方再说一遍)嗯,什么;(征求对方同意或答复)是吗,如何,好吗,嗯;(表示惊奇)啊

  7. 【suit yourself】随意,请对方按自己的意愿行事;随你便

  8. 【kick off】(足球比赛中)开球;(事件、比赛或讨论等)开始;踢掉(鞋)

  9. 【Here's the thing】事情是这样的,老实说吧,从现在开始,就这样了,有一件事

  10. 【the hell】(表示生气、轻蔑、不信任等)见鬼,到底

  11. 【off the market】偏离市场,下架

  12. 【cerebral aneurism】动脉瘤,脑动脉瘤

  13. 【Gemma's got a few years left in her】杰玛的生命还有几年

  14. 【snatch from】从...抢夺

  15. 【vocab】n. =vocabulary,单词,生字,词汇

  16. 【live one's live (of...)】过某人(...)的生活

  17. 【have some fun】尽情地玩,尽情享受,玩得开心

  18. 【bum】v. 使不安,使灰心

  19. 【chap】n. (对男子的友好称呼)家伙,伙计

  20. 【rugger】(英,非正式)n. =rugby,英式橄榄球

  21. 【coursework】n. (记入最终成绩的)课程作业

  22. 【take care of】负责,照顾,关怀;赡养,为...提供生计;应付,处理,满足...的需要;(委婉语)逮捕

  23. 【form-filling】填表格或表格填写

  24. 【clog up】(使)阻塞,(使)堵塞

  25. 【about right】大致,适当;严厉,严重,重重;合适地,恰当地;重重地,厉害地,结结实实地

  26. 【Virgil】(男子名)维吉尔

  27. 【Etruscan】(古罗马时代的)伊特鲁利亚人,伊特鲁利亚语

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