

2017-05-12  本文已影响21人  无夜

恪守之前的四步骤便可掌握分析阅读的第一步: what a book is about and to outline its structure 这本书讲的是什么并且梳理出书中的结构。


For a term is the basic element of communicable knowledge.



If the author uses a word in one meaning, and the reader reads it in another, words have passed between them, but they have not come to terms.


It is necessary for the two parties to use the same words with the same things, in short, to come to terms. When that happens, communication happens, the miracle of two minds with but a single thought.


A term can be defined as an unambiguous word. That is not quite accurate, for strictly there are no unambiguous words. What we should have said is that a term is a word used unambiguously.


Terms occur only in the process of communication. They occur when a writer tries to avoid ambiguity and a reader helps him by trying to follow his use of words.


We can think of terms as a skilled use of words for the sake of communicating knowledge.


下面来介绍一下如何分析阅读an expository work/a work of science(科学著作):

Rule 5 Find the important words and through them come to terms with the author.


需要两小步(two steps)

A step dealing with the language as such, and a step beyond the language to the thought that lies behind it.


The only thing to do therefore, in expository works, is to make the best of language as it is, and the only way to do that is to use language as skillfully as possible when you want to convey, or to receive, knowledge.


Because language is imperfect as a medium for conveying knowledge, it also functions as an obstacle to communication. The rules of interpretive reading are directed to overcoming than obstacle. We can expect a good writer to do his best to reach us through the barrier language inevitably sets up, but we cannot expect him to do the job all by himself. We must meet him halfway. We, as readers, must try to tunnel through from our side of the barrier. The likelihood of a meeting of minds through language depends on the willingness of both reader and writer to work together.



The grammatical aspect is the one that deals with words. The logical step deals with their meanings.


The main point is that one word can be the vehicle for many terms, and one term can be expressed by many words.



He is using it in a definitely special sense when he discusses the theory of causation.



The most important words are those that give you trouble.



可能是作者在书中重点引用的词(quotation marks)或者是斜体字(italics),作者已经给你做好了标记,可能这部分理解起来会有难度。

The trouble with most readers is that they simply do not pay enough attention to words to locate their difficulties. They fail to distinguish the words that they do not understand sufficiently from those they do.



You have to discover the meaning of a word you do not understand by using the meanings of all the other words in the context that you do understand.


A word in place is a term.


To use a word ambiguously is to use it in several senses without distinguishing or relating their meanings.


You should not forget that one word can represent several terms. One way to remember this is to distinguish between the author’s vocabulary and his terminology. If you make a list in one colum of the important words, and in another of their important meanings, you will see the relation between the vocabulary and the terminology.


This is important, of course. If you supposed that every time an author changed his words, he was shifting his terms, you would make as great an error as to suppose that every time he used the same words, the terms remained the same.


当然,一个单词肯定不如一组短语表达得清楚,作者为了让读者理解得更透彻,一般更喜欢运用短语表达,因为一个单词表达的含义往往是无限的,但是由几个单词构成的短语在表达上具有提供限制的优势。举例,reading for enlightenment.(启发式阅读)作者为了让读者理解得更明白,就这样说the process of passing from understanding less to understanding more by the operation of your mind upon a book.(通过阅读来增长智慧)

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