Poor Charlie's Almanack(Talk 5 )

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阅读内容: 《穷查理宝典》 Poor Charlie's Almanack---Talk Five

Harvard Law School Fiftieth Reunion Address

---- The Need for More Multidisciplinary Skills from Professionals: Educational Implications








This talk was delivered by Charles T. Munger on April 24, 1998 at the fiftieth reunion of his Harvard Law School class of 1948.

This talk focuses on a hugely complicated issue- the narrowness of elite education- and segments it into elements whose solutions, when taken together, form a satisfactory answer to the problem.

Through a series of rhetorical questions, Charlie posits that professionals such as attorneys, to their own detriment, lack multidisciplinary skills.

 From his own extensive multidisciplinary studies, he recognizes that there are "subconscious mental tendencies" that keep people from broadening their own horizons sufficiently. Nonetheless, he brings unique and memorable solutions to the problem.


1) Do broadscale professionals need more multidisciplinary skill?


1) Incentive-caused bias (动机引起的偏见)

2) Man-with-a-hammer tendency(锤子倾向)




2) Was our education sufficiently multidisciplinary?


Our education was far too unidisciplinary. Broadscale problems, by definition, cross many academic disciplines.

3) In elite broadscale soft science, what is the essential nature of practicable best-form multidisciplinary education?


All we have to do is examine our most successful narrow-scale education, identify essential elements, and scale up those elements to reach the sensible solution.


1) His formal education is wide enough to cover practically everything useful in piloting. 正规教育的重要性

2) His knowledge of practically everything needed by pilots is not taught just well enough to enable him to pass one test or two; instead, all his knowledge is raised to practice-based fluency, even in handling two or three intertwined hazards at once. 专业教育的重要性

3) he is made to think sometimes in a forward fashion and sometimes in reverse; and so he learns when to concentrate mostly on what he wants to happen and also when to concentrate mostly on avoiding what he does not want to happen. 学会正向和逆向思考;如何分配注意力

4) His training time is allocated among subjects so as to minimize damage from his later malfunctions; and so what is most important in his performance gets the most training coverage and is raised to the highest fluency levels.强化训练,刻意练习的重要性

5) "Checklist" routines are always mandatory for him. 清单检查的重要性

6) he is forced into a special knowledge-maintenance routine. 复习的重要性


including considerable power of synthesis at boundaries between disciplines, with the highest fluency levels being achieved where they are most needed, with forward and reverse thinking techniques being employed in a manner reminding one of inversion in algebra, and with "checklist" routines being a permanent part of the knowledge system.


First, the truly big ideas in each discipline, learned only in essence, carry most of the freight. And they are not so numerous, nor are their interactions so complex, that a large and multidisciplinary understanding is impossible for many, given large amounts of talent and time.

Second, in elite education, we have available the large amounts of talent and time that we need.

Third, thinking by inversion and through use of "checklists" is easily learned.

Moreover, we can believe in the attainability of broad multidisciplinary skill.

you can't win big in multidisciplinarity in soft-science academia if you are so satisfied with the status quo, or so frightened by the difficulties of change, that you dont try hard enough to win big.

4) In the last fifty years, how far has elite academia progressed

toward attainable best-form multidisciplinarity?


The answer is that many things have been tried as corrections in the direction of better multidisciplinarity. And, after allowing for some counterproductive results, there has been some considerable improvement, net. But much desirable correction is still undone and lies far ahead. 仍然任重而道远啊~路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索啊~

In any event, through increased use of "take what you wish," many soft-science disciplines reduced folly from man-with-a-hammer tendency. 举例子:芒格的同学Roger Fisher

5) What educational practices would make progress faster?


First, many more courses should be mandatory, not optional. And this, in turn, requires that the people who decide what is mandatory must possess large, multidisciplinary knowledge maintained in fluency. 举例:在律师培养中必须强迫学生掌握心理学和会计学。看来,不懂心理学的律师不是一个好投资家啊!

Second, there should be much more problem-solving practice that crosses several disciplines. 举例:如何帮助老妇人管理继承的鞋厂。理论也要联系实践去操练啊~可不能死读书!

Third, most soft-science professional schools should increase use of the best business periodicals, like the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, etc. 现在的经济学人也不错~也要多看,培养优秀判断力~

Fourth, in filling scarce acadcmic vacancies, professors of superstrong, passionare, political ideology, whether on the left or right, should usually be avoided. So also for students. 思想不能被意识形态禁锢啊!

Fifth, soft science should more intensely imitate the fundamental organizing ethos of hard science (defined as the "fundamental four-discipline combination" of math, physics, chemistry, and engineering). 要好好学习自然科学中的精髓!


But Shaw plainly understates the problem in implying that a conscious, selfinterested malevolence is the main culprit.

understate  [.ʌndər'steɪt]  v.

1.  轻描淡写;避重就轻地说 to state that sth is smaller, less important or less serious than it really is

malevolence   [mə'levələns]   n.

1. 恶意,坏心肠,黑心,恶毒,狠毒的行为 wickednessmaliceill willevilspite

culprit  ['kʌlprɪt]  n.

1. 犯错的人;罪犯 a person who has done sth wrong or against the law

2. 肇事者;引起问题的事物 a person or thing responsible for causing a problem

Perhaps it has worked best because it bypassed academic squabbles rooted in the tradition and territoriality that had caused the unidisciplinary folly for which correction was now sought.

squabble  ['skwɑb(ə)l]  v. & n.

1. (为小事)争吵,发生口角 to argue noisily about sth that is not very important

folly  ['fɑli]  n.

1. 愚蠢;愚笨;愚蠢的想法(或事情、行为)a lack of good judgement; the fact of doing sth stupid; an activity or idea that shows a lack of judgement

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