
旋元佑进阶语法(四)(介词 + 分词)

2018-01-22  本文已影响69人  Thinkando

第七章 介词
第八章 分词

第七章 介词

介词(prepositions),从造字来看是 pre-加上 position,意思是「放在前面的东西」。介词的用法就是放在名词前面、与名词(称为它的宾语)共同构成一个意义单元、称为介 系词词组,当作修饰语使用。介词词组这种修饰语可以当形容词或副词使用,是最有弹性、 使用频率最高的一种修饰语。可以用来修饰名词、动词、形容词、副词等各大词类。

The company is in trouble.
介词词组 in trouble 当形容词使用,在句中充当主语补语、修饰主语 the company(名 词)。
I leave for Hong Kong tomorrow.
介词词组 for Hong Kong 当地方副词使用,修饰动词 leave。
country is rich in mineral wealth
介系词词组 in mineral wealth 当副词使用,修饰形容词 rich。
The new janitor works half-heartedly at best.
介词词组 at best 当副词使用,修饰副词 half-heartedly。

1.1 介词与介副词


Come in.
The soldier stood up.

The plumber went down to the basement
句中的 down 是个介副词,后面没有宾语、直接修饰动词 went。它后面的 to 才是介系 词,后接名词词组 the basement 当宾语、构成一个介词词组 to the basement,当地方副词 使用,修饰动词 went。
He has gone over to your house.
句中的 over 是介副词,直接修饰动词 has gone。后面的 to 才是介词,后接名词词组
your house 当宾语、构成一个介词词组 to your house,当地方副词使用、修饰动词 has gone。

1.2 介词与词组动词

The man slept on the couch. (S+V)
The man turned on the light. (S+V+O)
这时候应该把 turned on 当一个动词来看(称为词组动词),后面的 the light 是动词 turned on 的宾语。

1.3 词组动词的种类


1.3.1 一.及物动词、不可拆开(宾语必须放在词组后面)

It’s only a cold; you’ll get over it soon enough.(只不过是小感冒,很快就会好了。)
The manager will look into your complaint at once.(经理将就您的抱怨立即进行了解。)
Henry takes after his father.(Henry 很像他爸爸。)
Don’t worry; I’ll stand by you.(别担心,我会支持你。)

1.3.2 二.不及物动词

How did this all come about? (不及物的词组动词,后面当然不会有宾语。)
The bomb went off in the middle of the night.
The meeting was postponed because too few people turned up.

1.3.3 三.及物动词、可以拆开(宾语可放在词组后面、也可开放在中间)

That woman brought up eight children.
That woman brought eight children up.
That woman brought them up. (后面的位置比较重要,需要重读,但代词不重要,所以不能放后面,要放中间)

I’m going to turn down his offer.
I’m going to turn his offer down.
I’m going to turn it down.

1.3.4 四.三个字以上的词组动词,及物、不可拆开(宾语应放在后面)

词组动词如果是三个字,通常第一个是动词(如 catch)、第二个是介副词(如 up)、第三个是介词(如 with)。因为第三个是介词,后面必须有宾语,所以凡是这种三个字以上的词组动词都是及物动词,而且都不 可拆、宾语一定要放在后面。

He’s slowly catching up with his classmates in exam grades.
John hurt his leg and had to drop out of the race.
If you take the money, you can’t expect to get away with it.
I promised my kid a new notebook, so I can’t go back on my word now.

1.4 空间介词

表示空间的介词可以分成点、线、面、体四个角度来探讨。所谓点、线、面、体,都是主观的认定。亦即,同一个空间,只要说话者在这句话中把它当成一个点看待,就要采取 表示「点」的介词。换一个句子,把同一个空间当成立体来看待,就该采取表示「体」的 介词。

1.4.1 一、点:at

The bus will stop at the dock to pick up passengers. (巴士在码头将停下来载客。)
在巴士的行驶路线上,码头是一个「点」、来到这个点要停。属于「点」的空间概念, 通常用 at 这个介词来表示。
The sniper is aiming at the kidnapper. (狙击手在瞄准绑票犯。)

1.4.2 二、线:on, along

The student memorized 10 new words on his way to school. (这个学生在上学途中记了十个新单词。)
从家里到学校是一条「线」状的路程。属于「线」的空间观念通常以 on 或 along 来表 现。
There are many beautiful villas along the beach. (沿着海滩有许多美丽的别墅。)
I see three bookstores on this street. (我看到这条街上有三家书店。)

1.4.3 三、面:on

I strained my eyes but couldn’t see any ship on the sea. (我亟目眺望,但是海面上看不到有船。)
「海面」是个平面。在平面上,通常用 on 这个介词来表示。
There’s a picture hanging on the wall. (墙上挂了张画。)
The speaker is standing on the platform. (演说者站在讲台上。)

1.4.4 四、体:in

I like to stay in my office because it’s quiet there. (我喜欢待在自己办公室里头,因为很安静。)
We’ll go our separate ways, and meet at my office at three. (我们各走各的,三点钟在我办公室碰面。)
I think I’ll walk; there are too many cars in the street. (我想我走路好了,街上车子太多了。)
是把街道视为一 个立体空间,说里头的车子太多了,这时就该用 in。

1.4.5 比喻用法


That shameless man is beneath contempt. (那个无耻的人简直太令人瞧不起了。)
What the lecturer is saying is quite beyond my comprehension. (演讲人所说的话我完全听不懂。)
His objection is quite beside the point. (他的反对意见完全离题了。)
It’s sometimes difficult to live within one’s income. (要量入为出,有时候很困难。)

1.5 时间介词

I’ll meet you at six o'clock. (我们六点钟见。)

I do most of my work in the morning. (我大部分的事情都是在早上处理。)

My birthday is on January 23. (我的生日是元月 23 日。)
包括与 the morning, the evening 之类并用时,只要有讲出哪一天, 介词仍然是用 on。
The accident happened on the morning of June 20. (意外发生在六月 20 日早上。)

1.6 其他介词

We had no trouble on the way apart from(= except for) a flat tire. (我们一路都没碰到问题,除了一枚轮胎没气。)
Apart from(= in addition to) a flat tire, we also ran out of gas. (除了轮胎没气之外,我们还用光了汽油。)

I don’t blame you. As for your friend, he has behaved very badly. (我并不怪你。至于你的朋友,他的行为就很差劲。)

This document is for your information only. (本文件只供你个人参考之用)
I bought the book for 200 dollars. (这本书是我花 200 元买的。)
Are you for the tax cut? (你支援减税案吗?)

These shoes are made of rubber. (这双鞋是橡胶做的。)
Holland is a part of Europe. (荷兰是欧洲的一部分。)
I think of you often. (我经常会想念你。)
The arrival of the train caused a big stir on the platform. (火车的抵达在站台上掀起一阵骚动。)

We joined the tour at $3,000 per person. (我们以每人 3,000 元的价格参加了旅行团。)
The car was going at 90 km per hour. (车子当时以每小时 90 公里的速度行进。)

No one but(= except) a fool would accept a challenge like that. (除了傻瓜,没有人会接受这样的挑战。)
通常 but 是并列连词,但也可以当介词使用,用法相当于 except。

How do you say that in English? (这句话用英语怎么说?)
He signed his name in black ink. (他以黑墨水签下名字。)

It’s not up to me to decide. (这件事不是由我来决定的。)
I’m not up to this job. (我个工作我胜任不了。)
Do you know what Tom has been up to recently? (你知道汤姆最近在搞什么鬼吗?)

Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria, and Italy. (瑞士位于法国、德国、奥地利与意大利中间。) (between 有夹在中间的意思)

You can all go except George.
You can all go except for George.
Except for George, you can all go.
一般的情况下,except for 和 except 的用法与意思都差不多。但是放在句首时只能用except for,不能用 except。

He has written a book on the temples of the Upper Nile. (他写了一本书论尼罗河上游的庙宇。)
He’s talking about his childhood. (他在谈他的童年。)
on 用于正式,about 非正式

They’re arguing over their share of the property. (他们在争这份财产要怎么分。)
如果是「争论」的话题,通常要用 over 这个介词来表示,

He achieved fame through sheer hard work. (他纯粹是靠苦干而成名的。)

1.7 普通名词抽象化

I think I’ll go by bus. (我想我搭巴士去好了。) (bus 为交通工具)
I’ll go by the 5:30 bus. (我搭五点半那班巴士好了。
He usually goes to bed before 11:00. (睡觉)
He’s going toward the bed. (他向床走过去。)

1.8 介词词组的位置


I love to read books with pictures in my leisure time.
介词词组 with pictures 当形容词使用,修饰名词 books,放在名词后面的位置。另一 个介词词组 in my leisure time 当时间副词使用,修饰 read 的时间,放在句尾位置。

The secretary had to retype the letter which she had been working on under the order of the manager.(不佳)
这个句子写得不好,因为介词词组 under the order of the manager 放的位置既是全句的句尾、又是关系从句的句尾,所以它可以修饰主要从句的动词 had to retype、也可以修饰关 系从句的动词 had been working on,造成模棱两可的结果
Under the order of the manager, the secretary had to retype the letter which she had been working on.
The secretary had to retype the letter which, under the order of the manager, she had been working on.

I saw that many houses were destroyed by fire on TV. (不佳)
On TV I saw that many houses were destroyed by fire. (在电视上我看到许多房子被火烧毁。)

第八章 分词

1.1 分词视为形容词
1.1.1 一.名词词组中

This is a best-selling book.
现在分词 best-selling 放在「名词词组中」的形容词位置,当作形容词使用。不过现在 分词多了一项特色:它的-ing 字尾具有「持续、进行」的暗示,所以 best-selling 带有「正在 畅销的、一直畅销的」暗示。也就是说,这个现在分词虽然当形容词使用,却还是能够表达「进行」状态。
This is a well-written book.
过去分词 well-written 也可以放在「名词词组中」的形容词位置,表示它同样也可以当 形容词使用。过去分词也有自己的一项特色:它具有「被动」或「完成」的暗示。所以, well-written 这个过去分词虽然当作形容词使用,却仍然带有「被动」语态(表示「被写得 很好」),以及「完成」状态(表示「已经写好」)。

1.1.2 二.补语位置

The book is selling well
动 词是 is,它的时态是「现在一般时」,后面 selling well 这个分词词组是形容词词组,当主 词补语使用,修饰主语 the book。现在分词的-ing 字尾表达「进行」状态,所以 selling well 这个形容词词组表示这本书「正在」或「一直」卖得很好。
The book is well written.
well written 这个过去分词词组就 当形容词补语看待、修饰主语 the book。

1.2 分词的动词用法与形容词用法比较

简单的看法是:凡 是 be 动词都认定为动词、后面的分词(不论现在分词还是过去分词)视为形容词补语,这 样做至少有驾简驭繁的好处。动词时态也会相对变得简单许多。更重要的是,以这种方式诠 释各式各样的减化从句,包括分词构句、同位语、动名词、动词不定词等等,都会很容易理 解。

1.2.1 一.过去分词

The man was dressed by his valet this morning. (分词的动词用法)
He is dressed in blue. (分词的形容词用法)

My wallet was stolen last night. (stolen 形容词补语,修饰主语 my wallet)
I found my wallet stolen. (I found that my wallet was stolen )(stolen 形容词补语,修饰宾语 my wallet)
I can’t find my wallet. It’s gone. (gone 修饰 it)

1.2.2 二.现在分词

和过去分词一样,现在分词也有动词用法与形容词用法的差别,但也可以选择忽略这个 细微的差别

The dog was sleeping under the car then. (分词 sleeping 为形容词作为主语补语)
The story is rather interesting. (interesting 是个形容词、当作主语补语)

I saw that the tree was swaying in the breeze.
I saw the tree swaying in the breeze.
We found that he was teaching his son English at home.
We found him teaching his son English at home. (注意这里的he 改成了him)

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