作者:(英)笛福 梁遇春 译
我听说我们一个邻国 —— 不知道是法国,还是别的国家 —— 那里,皇帝下过一道命令,规定当罪人判处死刑,或者罚做摇橹奴隶,或者流放远方的时候,他们所有的孩子都归国家管教。因为这些罪人的财产被官府没收了,多半不会有钱来抚育他们的子女,所以政府就把这样的孩子放在孤儿院里,衣食全由国家供给,将他们抚养大。成人的时候,叫他们出去从事各种行业,干各样的职务,这样他们便能有个正当的职业,可以靠着自己的劳力谋生。
I have been told that in one of our neighbour nations, whether it be in France or where else I know not, they have an order from the king, that when any criminal is condemned, either to die, or to the galleys, or to be transported, if they leave any children, as such are generally unprovided for, by the poverty or forfeiture of their parents, so they are immediately taken into the care of the Government, and put into a hospital called the House of Orphans, where they are bred up, clothed, fed, taught, and when fit to go out, are placed out to trades or to services, so as to be well able to provide for themselves by an honest, industrious behaviour.
{ galley (常由奴隶或囚犯划桨的)桨帆船
forfeiture (财产等的)没收,(权利、名誉等的)丧失 }