
Call SNP用MUMmer

2021-08-27  本文已影响0人  胡童远

Mummer (NUCmer)通过比较基因组获取突变信息。NUCmer,该方法适合多个近缘物种的基因组比较。

NUCmer is a Perl script pipeline for the alignment of multiple closely related nucleotide sequences.


MUMmer 1.0
Alignment of Whole Genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 1999
MUMmer 2.1, NUCmer, and PROmer
Fast Algorithms for Large-scale Genome Alignment and Comparision. Nucleic Acids Research 2002
MUMmer 3.0
Versatile and open software for comparing large genomes. Genome Biology 2004
A fast and versatile genome alignment system. PLoS Comput Biol. 2018


sourceforge: http://mummer.sourceforge.net/
Manual: http://mummer.sourceforge.net/examples/
MUMmer3 manual: http://mummer.sourceforge.net/manual/



conda create -n mummer
conda activate mummer
conda install -c bioconda mummer
mummer -help
nucmer -help

1 比对:

nucmer -p [out_index] [ref] [query]

nucmer -p align ref.fna input.fna

-p|prefix:Set the prefix of the output files (default "out")
--mum: Use anchor matches that are unique in both the reference and query

2 过滤


delta-filter -q align.delta > align_q.filter
delta-filter -1 -q -r align.delta > align_qr.filter

-q: 输入序列最佳匹配
Maps each position of each query to its best hit in the reference
-r: 参考序列最佳匹配
Maps each position of each reference to its best hit in the query
-1: intersection of -r and -q alignments 交集
-m: union of -r and -q alignments 并集

3 coord比对/过滤结果

show-coords -rcl align.delta > align.coords
show-coords -rcl align_q.filter > align_q.coords
show-coords -rcl align_qr.filter > align_qr.coords

-r: 以参考序列排序
Sort output lines by reference IDs and coordinates
-c: 展示覆盖率
Include percent coverage information in the output
-l: 展示序列长度
Include the sequence length information in the output


S1 参考匹配序列起点
E1 参考匹配序列终点
S2 输入匹配序列起点
E2 输入匹配序列终点
LEN 1 参考匹配序列长度
LEN 2 输入匹配序列长度
% IDY 匹配序列一致性
LEN R 参考匹配序列所在scaffold/contig长度
LEN Q 输入匹配序列所在scaffold/contig长度
COV R 参考匹配序列长度 vs 所在scaffold/contig长度
COV Q 输入匹配序列长度 vs 所在scaffold/contig长度
TAGS 所在scaffold/contig编号

4 抽查比对结果

show-aligns [align] [ref seq id] [quary seq id]

show-aligns align.delta NC_009614.1 AF04-12.Scaf1 > check.txt
show-aligns align_q.filter NC_009614.1 AF04-12.Scaf1 > check_q.txt
show-aligns align_qr.filter NC_009614.1 AF04-12.Scaf1 > check_qr.txt

5 query向参考回贴:

show-tiling align.delta > align.tiling
show-tiling align_q.filter > align_q.tiling
show-tiling align_qr.filter > align_qr.tiling

6 call SNPs

show-snps -Clr align.delta > align.snps
show-snps -Clr align_q.filter > align_q.snps
show-snps -Clr align_qr.filter > align_qr.snps

-C: 指输出唯一匹配的snp
Do not report SNPs from alignments with an ambiguous mapping, i.e. only report SNPs where the [R] and [Q] columns equal 0 and do not output these columns
-l: 输出结果中包括序列的长度
Include sequence length information in the output
-r: 按照 ref的ID和snp位置信息进行排序
Sort output lines by reference IDs and SNP positions
-H Do not print the output header
-I Do not report indels
-T Switch to tab-delimited format


P1 参考序列位置
SUB 替换方式
P2 输入序列位置
LEN R 参考序列长度
LEN Q 输入序列长度
FRM forward reverse模式
TAGS 序列编号

插入缺失 indel

compare two incomplete whole genomes to find the SNP calls?
SNPs detection between two bacterial genomes ?
MUMMER 两个基因组间比较
SNP,SNV 傻傻分不清楚?
Indel (Insertion and Deletion)分析简介


