让 AI 为你自动生成 conventional 格式的提交信息
2023-02-14 本文已影响0人
ai-commit - 让 AI 为你自动生成 conventional 格式的提交信息
- 默认生成 conventional 格式的提交信息
- 可自定义生成信息的 AI 驱动(目前仅支持 Open AI)
- 可自定义生成待选提交信息的数量
- 可自定义生成信息的提示模板
直接下载 ai-commit 文件
curl 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guanguans/ai-commit/main/builds/ai-commit' -o ai-commit --progress
chmod +x ai-commit
通过 Composer 安装
# 全局
composer global require guanguans/ai-commit --dev -v
# 本地
composer require guanguans/ai-commit --dev -v
配置 OpenAI API key
./ai-commit config set generators.openai.api_key sk-... --global
./ai-commit commit
╰─ ./ai-commit commit ─╯
1. Checking run environment: ✔
2. Generating commit messages: generating...
"id": 1,
"subject": "Docs(README): Configure OpenAI API key",
"body": "- Update README-zh_CN.md\n- Update README.md\n- Explain how to configure OpenAI API key"
"id": 2,
"subject": "Install(Composer): Add global and local install instructions",
"body": "- Update README.md\n- Add instructions for global and local install via Composer"
"id": 3,
"subject": "Usage(Commit Messages): Add best practices",
"body": "- Update README.md\n- Add best practices for writing commit messages"
2. Generating commit messages: ✔
3. Choosing commit message: choosing...
Please choice a commit message:
[1] Docs(README): Configure OpenAI API key
[2] Install(Composer): Add global and local install instructions
[3] Usage(Commit Messages): Add best practices