
2021-05-11  本文已影响0人  persist

04.01 《风月》 他问你你也不回答,我问你你也不回答。现在我明白了,你回答不了,你怕,你的心已经废了,你不会爱了。

04.02 《雨人》 他一直是个有自由意志的病人。 He's always been a voluntary patient here.

04.03 《夜以继日》 我肯定一辈子也无法信任你了。

04.04 《牺牲》 没有死亡,只有面对死亡的恐惧。

04.05 《冰血暴》你要知道,人生不只值那小数目的。 There's more to life than a little money, you know.

04.06 《改编剧本》 如果人不改变,就不会产生顿悟。他们挣扎、挫败,却一事无成,这是真实世界的写照。 Where people don't change, they don't have any epiphanies. They struggle and are frustrated, and nothing is resolved. More a reflection of the real world.

04.07 《拉达斯买家俱乐部》有时候,我觉得我在为一个我没时间享受的人生奋斗,我想活得有价值。 Sometimes i feel like I'm fghting for a life I ain't got time ti live. I want it to mean something.

04.08 《咖啡时光》当你记录下这些声音的时候,你想从电车里面发现什么呢?

04.09《热天午后》看开点,你怎么可以让这点小事破坏了兴致。 You shouldn't let something like that spoil your fun ,you know?

04.10 《一个明星的诞生》 听着,天才无处不在,每个人都有自己的才华。 Look, talent comes everywhere. Everybody is talented.

04.11 《南国野兽》我知道我是这浩瀚世界的一粒尘埃。 I see that I'm a little piece of a big, big universe.

04.12 《迷失》你人生中最重要的时光,是和这些人共度的时光。 The most important part of your life was the time you spend with these people.

04.13 《绅士们》想要成为丛林之王,徒有其表是不够的,你必须成为王者,不可迟疑,因为迟疑将导致混乱和灭亡。 If you wish to be the king of the jungle, it's not enough to act like a king. You must be the king, and there can be no doubt, because doubt causes chaos and one's own demise.

04.14 《砂之女》 男人和女人,对人抱有各种不安,成为猜疑的奴隶,被迫用一些新的证据来证明清白,没有人知道何时结束,好像没有尽头。

04.15 《西部世界》 这个世界不属于你,也不属于过去的人。它属于尚未到来的人。 This world doesn't belong to you or the people who came before. It belongs to someone who has yet to come.

04.16 《桂河大桥》 有时候你会突然意识到自己比最初的时候更靠近结果。 There are times when suddenly you  realize you are nearer the end than the begining.

04.17 《海盗电台》世界各地的年轻朋友们,依然会怀着梦想,并把梦想编织成曲。 All over the world, young men and young women will dream and dreams and put those dreams into song.

04.18 《气球》你不只能在酒吧点三瓶啤酒,从现在起,你也要为自己的行为负责。

04.19 《朱迪》判断一颗心,不是看你爱多少,而是看你被别人爱多少。 A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.

04.20 《无双》任何事,做到极致就是艺术。

04.21 《超体》无知导致混乱,知识不会。 Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge.

04.22 《机动制服》 穿着这件制服就是自己人。

04.23 《文科恋曲》在学校你可以坐下读一整天书,可以随意高谈阔论,象牙塔外的人们就不能如此。  You get to sit around and read books all day, have really great conversations about ideas. People out in the world, they're not really doing that.

04.24 《盲视》一切都会好起来的,只要他能多一些幽默感。

04.25 《超脱》我们必须学会阅读,来激活想象力,来培养自我意识和建立信仰体系,我们需要这些技能来保卫和守护自己的思想。We must learn to read. To stimulate our imagination, to cultvate our own consciousness, our own belief system. We all need these skills to defend,to preserve our own minds.

04.26 《面子》你就是太胆小,太懦弱,不敢放眼世界让他见证你的爱,你还没争取过就弃甲而逃。 You are too scared to look the world and let it watch you fall in love. You're off and running without a fight.

04.27 《哭泣的草原》梦见你弯下腰来,伸手触碰这片湿漉的草地,当你抬起手时,几颗露珠竟如泪光般落下。

04.28《女间谍》女人安分守己难以创造历史。 Well-behaved women seldom make history.

04.29 《女孩》我不想成为一个榜样,我只想成为一个女孩。

04.30 《美国甜心》所以你是南方女孩,真正的美国甜心,像我一样。 So you're a southern girl. A real Americian honey like me.

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