2018-03-02 certtool的用法

2019-01-26  本文已影响25人  阿群1986


  1. 生成PKCS#10格式的证书请求:
    --generate-request --outfile request.pem
  2. 生成自签名的CA根证书:
  3. 签署普通证书:
    --load-request request.pem
    --load-ca-privkey="pkcs11:model=TPM2;object={LABEL};type=private" --load-ca-pubkey="pkcs11:model=TPM2;object={LABEL};type=public"
  4. 生成CRL证书吊销列表:


p11tool --list-privkeys pkcs11:model=TPM2

# 制作一个数字证书申请(request.pem)
certtool --generate-request \
    --load-privkey "pkcs11:model=TPM2;object=${LABEL};type=private" \
    --load-pubkey "pkcs11:model=TPM2;object=${LABEL};type=public" \
    --template cert.cfg \
    --outfile request.pem
# 制作一个自签名的根证书
certtool --generate-self-signed \
    --load-privkey "pkcs11:model=TPM2;object=${LABEL};type=private" \
    --load-pubkey "pkcs11:model=TPM2;object=${LABEL};type=public" \
    --template cert.cfg \
    --outfile self-signed-cert.der --outder
# 模板文件: cert.cfg
# -------------------
# X.509 Certificate options
# DN options

# The organization of the subject.
organization = "my_company_name"

# The organizational unit of the subject.
#unit = ""

# The locality of the subject.
#locality = ""

# The state of the certificate owner.
# 省份/州/行政区划
#state = ""

# The country of the subject. Two letter code.
# 国家代码: 中国=CN 美国=US
country = CN

# The common name of the certificate owner.
# 证书持有者名称(Common Name)
cn = "刘群"

# A user id of the certificate owner.
#uid = "liuqun"

# Set domain components
#dc = "name"
#dc = "domain"

# If the supported DN OIDs are not adequate you can set
# any OID here.
# For example set the X.520 Title and the X.520 Pseudonym
# by using OID and string pairs.
#dn_oid = " Dr."
#dn_oid = " jackal"

# An alternative way to set the certificate's distinguished name directly
# is with the "dn" option. The attribute names allowed are:
# C (country), street, O (organization), OU (unit), title, CN (common name),
# L (locality), ST (state), placeOfBirth, gender, countryOfCitizenship,
# countryOfResidence, serialNumber, telephoneNumber, surName, initials,
# generationQualifier, givenName, pseudonym, dnQualifier, postalCode, name,
# businessCategory, DC, UID, jurisdictionOfIncorporationLocalityName,
# jurisdictionOfIncorporationStateOrProvinceName,
# jurisdictionOfIncorporationCountryName, XmppAddr, and numeric OIDs.
#dn = "cn = Nikos,st = New Something,C=GR,surName=Mavrogiannopoulos,"

# The serial number of the certificate
# Comment the field for a time-based serial number.
serial = 007

# In how many days, counting from today, this certificate will expire.
# Use -1 if there is no expiration date.
expiration_days = 700

# Alternatively you may set concrete dates and time. The GNU date string
# formats are accepted. See:
# http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/Date-input-formats.html

#activation_date = "2004-02-29 16:21:42"
#expiration_date = "2025-02-29 16:24:41"

# X.509 v3 extensions

# A dnsname in case of a WWW server.
#dns_name = "www.none.org"
#dns_name = "www.morethanone.org"

# An othername defined by an OID and a hex encoded string
#other_name = " 302ca00d1b0b56414e5245494e2e4f5247a11b3019a006020400000002a10f300d1b047269636b1b0561646d696e"
#other_name_utf8 = " A UTF8 string"
#other_name_octet = " A string that will be encoded as ASN.1 octet string"

# Allows writing an XmppAddr Identifier
#xmpp_name = juliet@im.example.com

# Names used in PKINIT
#krb5_principal = user@REALM.COM
#krb5_principal = HTTP/user@REALM.COM

# A subject alternative name URI
#uri = "http://www.example.com"

# An IP address in case of a server.
#ip_address = ""

# An email in case of a person
email = "none@none.org"
# TLS feature (rfc7633) extension. That can is used to indicate mandatory TLS
# extension features to be provided by the server. In practice this is used
# to require the Status Request (extid: 5) extension from the server. That is,
# to require the server holding this certificate to provide a stapled OCSP response.
# You can have multiple lines for multiple TLS features.

# To ask for OCSP status request use:
#tls_feature = 5

# Challenge password used in certificate requests
#challenge_password = 123456

# Password when encrypting a private key
#password = secret

# An URL that has CRLs (certificate revocation lists)
# available. Needed in CA certificates.
#crl_dist_points = "http://www.getcrl.crl/getcrl/"

# Whether this is a CA certificate or not
# 本证书是否作为 CA 证书

# Subject Unique ID (in hex)
#subject_unique_id = 00153224

# Issuer Unique ID (in hex)
#issuer_unique_id = 00153225

#### 密钥用途限定
#### Key usage

# The following key usage flags are used by CAs and end certificates

# Whether this certificate will be used to sign data (needed
# in TLS DHE ciphersuites). This is the digitalSignature flag
# in RFC5280 terminology.

# Whether this certificate will be used to encrypt data (needed
# in TLS RSA ciphersuites). Note that it is preferred to use different
# keys for encryption and signing. This is the keyEncipherment flag
# in RFC5280 terminology.

# Whether this key will be used to sign other certificates. The
# keyCertSign flag in RFC5280 terminology.

# Whether this key will be used to sign CRLs. The
# cRLSign flag in RFC5280 terminology.

# The keyAgreement flag of RFC5280. It's purpose is loosely
# defined. Not use it unless required by a protocol.

# The dataEncipherment flag of RFC5280. It's purpose is loosely
# defined. Not use it unless required by a protocol.

# The nonRepudiation flag of RFC5280. It's purpose is loosely
# defined. Not use it unless required by a protocol.

#### 密钥用途扩展项
#### Extended key usage (key purposes)

# The following extensions are used in an end certificate
# to clarify its purpose. Some CAs also use it to indicate
# the types of certificates they are purposed to sign.

# Whether this certificate will be used for a TLS client;
# this sets the id-kp-serverAuth ( of
# extended key usage.

# Whether this certificate will be used for a TLS server;
# This sets the id-kp-clientAuth ( of
# extended key usage.

# Whether this key will be used to sign code. This sets the
# id-kp-codeSigning ( of extended key usage
# extension.

# Whether this key will be used to sign OCSP data. This sets the
# id-kp-OCSPSigning ( of extended key usage extension.

# Whether this key will be used for time stamping. This sets the
# id-kp-timeStamping ( of extended key usage extension.

# Whether this key will be used for email protection. This sets the
# id-kp-emailProtection ( of extended key usage extension.

# Whether this key will be used for IPsec IKE operations (
# 能否用于 VPN (IPSec IKEv1/IKEv2) 身份认证和密钥协商

### adding custom key purpose OIDs

# for microsoft smart card logon
# key_purpose_oid =

# for email protection
# key_purpose_oid =

# for any purpose (must not be used in intermediate CA certificates)
# key_purpose_oid =

### end of key purpose OIDs

### Adding arbitrary extensions
# This requires to provide the extension OIDs, as well as the extension data in
# hex format. The following two options are available since GnuTLS 3.5.3.
#add_extension = " 0x0AAB01ACFE"

# As above but encode the data as an octet string
#add_extension = " octet_string(0x0AAB01ACFE)"

# For portability critical extensions shouldn't be set to certificates.
#add_critical_extension = " 0x1AAB01ACFE"

# When generating a certificate from a certificate
# request, then honor the extensions stored in the request
# and store them in the real certificate.

# Alternatively only specific extensions can be copied.
#honor_crq_ext =
#honor_crq_ext =

# Path length contraint. Sets the maximum number of
# certificates that can be used to certify this certificate.
# (i.e. the certificate chain length)
#path_len = -1
#path_len = 2

# ocsp_uri = http://my.ocsp.server/ocsp

# CA issuers URI
# ca_issuers_uri = http://my.ca.issuer

# Certificate policies
#policy1 =
#policy1_txt = "This is a long policy to summarize"
#policy1_url = http://www.example.com/a-policy-to-read

#policy2 =
#policy2_txt = "This is a short policy"
#policy2_url = http://www.example.com/another-policy-to-read

### 限定条件 Name constraints

#nc_permit_dns = example.com
#nc_exclude_dns = test.example.com

#nc_permit_email = "nmav@ex.net"

# Exclude subdomains of example.com
#nc_exclude_email = .example.com

# Exclude all e-mail addresses of example.com
#nc_exclude_email = example.com

# IP
#nc_permit_ip =
#nc_exclude_ip =
#nc_permit_ip = fc0a:eef2:e7e7:a56e::/64

# Options for proxy certificates
#proxy_policy_language =

# Options for generating a CRL

# The number of days the next CRL update will be due.
# next CRL update will be in 43 days
#crl_next_update = 43

# this is the 5th CRL by this CA
# Comment the field for a time-based number.
#crl_number = 5

# Specify the update dates more precisely.
#crl_this_update_date = "2004-02-29 16:21:42"
#crl_next_update_date = "2025-02-29 16:24:41"

# The date that the certificates will be made seen as
# being revoked.
#crl_revocation_date = "2025-02-29 16:24:41"

