<Slumdog Millionaire>070

Release date: 2009-1-9
Running time:120mins
Recommendation Rate:★★★★★
Four questions:
1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?
Kindness and true love. Jamal is not rich and wise, but because of his pure and kindness, finally he became a billionaire and be together with the girl he loves.

2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).
A/ Jamal was locked in the toliet by his brother. At this time, his idol came to his city. In order to have idol's signature, the only way is to jump into the shit. He did it! He is just a 6 years old kid, from his behavior, we can see he can do everything to achieve his goal. I hope I also can overcome all the difficulties to make my dream come true.

B/ During the program break, Jamal is still thinking about the question. The MC wrote the answer B on the mirror, then left the washroom. Jamal saw it, but when it's time to give the answer, he said D. I'm not sure whether he was thinking the MC maybe cheat him or out of his kindness, he didn't want cheat. Anyway, he chose D as final answer. He is right! Everywhere trails in life.

C/ Jamal promised if he became rich, the girl he loves will dance with him. It was really hard for him. He has nothing, just a tea man in a telephone company. The girl is a Mr. Big's wife. For letting the girl see him, he joined the program game and won the 2 billion bonus. He danced with his girl as he said before.

3、What did you learn from the movie?
Be kind and nice always, god is keeping an eye on you. If you really wanna do something, the whole universe will help you to achieve it.

4、The background of the story.
Two brothers became orphan after their mother died in a religion rebellion. In India, the living environment is very bad and the society is very dangerous. No sense of security. Two boys and a girl depend themselves to live.