广东外语外贸大学新传学院 Data Journalism 期末作品展示

Spend your holiday in Guangdong!

2018-01-01  本文已影响14人  bctyyh

The Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province posted a New Year'sday travel warning on its official website on 25thDecember toremind tourists to choose a travel agency with an overseas travelqualification, sign a travel contract, confirm the travel itinerary, and askfor the invoice. At the same time, sign up online to identify the authenticityof the official website.

The New Year's tourist season is coming. Besides going abroad orvisiting provinces, many people choose to travel within the province.

From the tourism income of Guangdong province, we can find that Inaddition to 2003, the domestic tourism revenue in Guangdong province is alwaysgrowing. And the reason of the run-down in 2003 may be the popularity of SARS.It reaches the maximum in 2011 maybe because of the Asian Games. We canspeculate that the increase is expected to continue in 2018.

Besides, Guangdong is also increasingly able to accommodate moretourists. From the distribution of tourist beds and employment in guangdongprovince:

We can find that the main tourist resources are concentrated in thepearl river delta region.

In the pearl river delta, each of these cities has many tourist sites.Guangzhou can be an example.

There are many scenic spots in and around Guangzhou. Many visitors canbe received every day. Therefore, Traveling to Guangzhou can be a good choice.

Looking to the future, Guangzhou's tourism sector will be facing thechallenges of globalization. It can be said that opportunities and challengesco-exist.


