ARC is generally faster, and ARC can indeed be slower
嗯,有些矛盾。不过在文章中,Steffen Itterheim指出大部分情况下,ARC的性能是更好的,这主要得益于一些底层的优化以及autorelease pool的优化,这个从官方文档也能看到。但在一些情况下,ARC确实是更慢,ARC会发送一些额外的retain/release消息,如一些涉及到临时变量的地方,看下面这段代码:
// this is typical MRC code:
id object = [array objectAtIndex:0];
[object doSomething];
[object doAnotherThing];
// this is what ARC does (and what is considered best practice under MRC):
id object = [array objectAtIndex:0];
[object retain]; // inserted by ARC
[object doSomething];
[object doAnotherThing];
[object release]; // inserted by ARC
// this is typical MRC code:
-(void) someMethod:(id)object
[object doSomething];
[object doAnotherThing];
// this is what ARC does (and what is considered best practice under MRC):
-(void) someMethod:(id)object
[object retain]; // inserted by ARC
[object doSomething];
[object doAnotherThing];
[object release]; // inserted by ARC
这些些额外的retain/release操作也成了降低ARC环境下程序性能的罪魁祸首。但实际上,之所以添加这些额外的retain/release操作,是为了保证代码运行的正确性。如果只是在单线程中执行这些操作,可能确实没必要添加这些额外的操作。但一旦涉及以多线程的操作,问题就来了。如上面的方法中,object完全有可能在doSoming和doAnotherThing方法调用之间被释放。为了避免这种情况的发生,便在方法开始处添加了[object retain],而在方法结束后,添加了[object release]操作。