2021-02-18 晨读系列|自然科学|黑洞

2021-02-18 晨读系列|自然科学|黑洞
[1]. “After decades of effort, scientists are finally seeing black holes—or are they?”
对黑洞不好奇,正在准备英语考试的,也可以读读。可以当作GRE、TOFEL 等的练习英语阅读的文章来读。
Consisting of pure gravitational energy, a black hole is a ball of contradictions. It contains no matter, but, like a bowling ball, possesses mass and can spin. It has no surface, but has a size. It behaves like an imposing, weighty object, but is really just a peculiar region of space.
Or so says general relativity, which Einstein published in 1915. Two centuries earlier, Isaac Newton had posited that gravity is a force that somehow reaches through space to attract massive objects to one another. Einstein went deeper and argued that gravity arises because massive things such as stars and planets warp space and time—more accurately, spacetime—causing the trajectories of freely falling objects to curve into, say, the parabolic arc of a thrown ball.
+ 黑洞测量数据与广义相对论理论预期的比较;
+ 找寻可能的“deviation”;
+ 高风险、高回报( “It’s a very high-risk, high-reward question.”)
Now, with multiple ways to peer at black holes, scientists can start to test their understanding and look for surprises that could revolutionize physics. “Even though it’s very unlikely, it would be so amazingly important if we found that there was any deviation” from the predictions of general relativity, Carroll says. “It’s a very high-risk, high-reward question.”
Scientists hope to answer three specific questions: Do the observed black holes really have event horizons? Are they as featureless as the no-hair theorem says? And do they distort spacetime exactly as the Kerr metric predicts?

# 2020 诺贝尔物理奖:Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret (黑洞与银河最黑暗的秘密)
# 2020-12-30 Physics at tiniest scale could explain ‘impossible’ black holes
# 霍金《时间简史》
+ 第六章《黑洞》
+ 第七章《黑洞不是这么黑的》
+ 第八章《宇宙的起源和命运》
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