
2020-08-16  本文已影响0人  帆子_8c3a
typedef uint32_t bitmap4<>;   

   | Data Type     | Definition                                        |
   | int32_t       | typedef int int32_t;                              |
   | uint32_t      | typedef unsigned int uint32_t;                    |
   | int64_t       | typedef hyper int64_t;                            |
   | uint64_t      | typedef unsigned hyper uint64_t;                  |
   | attrlist4     | typedef opaque attrlist4<>;                       |
   |               | Used for file/directory attributes.               |
   | bitmap4       | typedef uint32_t bitmap4<>;                       |
   |               | Used in attribute array encoding.                 |
   | changeid4     | typedef uint64_t changeid4;                       |
   |               | Used in the definition of change_info4.           |
   | clientid4     | typedef uint64_t clientid4;                       |
   |               | Shorthand reference to client identification.     |
   | count4        | typedef uint32_t count4;                          |
   |               | Various count parameters (READ, WRITE, COMMIT).   |
   | length4       | typedef uint64_t length4;                         |
   |               | The length of a byte-range within a file.         |
   | mode4         | typedef uint32_t mode4;                           |
   |               | Mode attribute data type.                         |
   | nfs_cookie4   | typedef uint64_t nfs_cookie4;                     |
   |               | Opaque cookie value for READDIR.                  |
   | nfs_fh4       | typedef opaque nfs_fh4<NFS4_FHSIZE>;              |
   |               | Filehandle definition.                            |
   | nfs_ftype4    | enum nfs_ftype4;                                  |
   |               | Various defined file types.                       |
   | nfsstat4      | enum nfsstat4;                                    |
   |               | Return value for operations.                      |
   | offset4       | typedef uint64_t offset4;                         |
   |               | Various offset designations (READ, WRITE, LOCK,   |
   |               | COMMIT).                                          |
   | qop4          | typedef uint32_t qop4;                            |
   |               | Quality of protection designation in SECINFO.     |
   | sec_oid4      | typedef opaque sec_oid4<>;                        |
   |               | Security Object Identifier.  The sec_oid4 data    |
   |               | type is not really opaque.  Instead, it contains  |
   |               | an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER as used by GSS-API in  |
   |               | the mech_type argument to GSS_Init_sec_context.   |
   |               | See [[7]( ""Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Version 2, Update 1"")] for details.                              |
   | sequenceid4   | typedef uint32_t sequenceid4;                     |
   |               | Sequence number used for various session          |
   |               | operations (EXCHANGE_ID, CREATE_SESSION,          |
   |               | SEQUENCE, CB_SEQUENCE).                           |
   | seqid4        | typedef uint32_t seqid4;                          |
   |               | Sequence identifier used for locking.             |
   | sessionid4    | typedef opaque sessionid4[NFS4_SESSIONID_SIZE];   |
   |               | Session identifier.                               |
   | slotid4       | typedef uint32_t slotid4;                         |
   |               | Sequencing artifact for various session           |
   |               | operations (SEQUENCE, CB_SEQUENCE).               |
   | utf8string    | typedef opaque utf8string<>;                      |
   |               | UTF-8 encoding for strings.                       |
   | utf8str_cis   | typedef utf8string utf8str_cis;                   |
   |               | Case-insensitive UTF-8 string.                    |
   | utf8str_cs    | typedef utf8string utf8str_cs;                    |
   |               | Case-sensitive UTF-8 string.                      |
   | utf8str_mixed | typedef utf8string utf8str_mixed;                 |
   |               | UTF-8 strings with a case-sensitive prefix and a  |
   |               | case-insensitive suffix.                          |
   | component4    | typedef utf8str_cs component4;                    |
   |               | Represents pathname components.                   |
   | linktext4     | typedef utf8str_cs linktext4;                     |
   |               | Symbolic link contents ("symbolic link" is        |
   |               | defined in an Open Group [[Section 3.372]( ""<a href=") of Chapter 3 of Base Definitions of The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, HTML Version (, ISBN 1931624232"">14] standard).          |
   | pathname4     | typedef component4 pathname4<>;                   |
   |               | Represents pathname for fs_locations.             |
   | verifier4     | typedef opaque verifier4[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE];     |
   |               | Verifier used for various operations (COMMIT,     |
   |               | CREATE, EXCHANGE_ID, OPEN, READDIR, WRITE)        |
   |               | NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE is defined as 8\.               |

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