7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)
嘿,你有没有想过该为这条船命名?Hey, you ever think about naming this old boat?船没有名字就没有好运气It's bad luck to have a boat without a name.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.1周三:David
我以前从来没有给船命名I'd never named a boat before,我能想起的只有一个名字but there was only one I could think of,世界上最美丽的名字the most beautiful name in the wide world.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.2周四:Anna
我没听到珍妮的消息Now, I hadn't heard from Jenny已经很久了in a long while,但我仍经常想念她but I thought about her a lot.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.3周五:Daniel
不管她在做什么,我希望她开心I hoped whatever she was doing made her happy.我时刻想念着珍妮I thought about Jenny all the time.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.4周六:Fiona
丹中尉,你来做什么?Lieutenant Dan, what are you doing here?嗯,我想到海中施展拳脚Well, thought I'd try out my sea legs.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.5周日:Alex
可是你没有脚了,丹中尉Well, you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan.是的,我知道Yes, I know that.你写了封信给我,白痴You wrote me a letter, you idiot.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.6周一:Lily
好了,福雷斯甘船长Well, well. Captain Forrest Gump.我要亲眼来看看…I had to see this for myself...并且…and...我说过如果你能当捕虾船的船长I told you if you were ever a shrimp boat captain,我就来当你的大副that I'd be your first mate.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.7周二:Sam
所以我来了Well, here I am.我是信守诺言的I'm a man of my word .好的O.K.但你别以为But don't you be thinking我会叫你长官that I'm going to be calling you "sir."
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.8周三:shelly
不用,长官No, sir.这是我的船It's my boat.我觉得如果我们向东开I have a feeling if we head due east,我们就会找到虾,现在左转we'll find some shrimp, so take a left.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.9周四:Kan
向左转!Take a left!哪边?Which way?那边!Over there!他们在那边!They're over there!
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.10周五:Girlin
快打舵盘向左Get on the wheel and take a left.好的O.K.阿甘,你干什么?Gump, what are you doing?向左转!Take a left!左边!Left!
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.11周六:小碳
那边我们会找到虾的,兄弟!That's where we're going to find those shrimp, my boy!那边我们会找到它们That's where we'll find them.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.12周日:David
还是没有虾,丹中尉Still no shrimp, Lieutenant Dan.好吧,我弄错了O.K., so I was wrong.嗯,我们怎么才能找到虾呢?Well, how are we going to find them?
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.13周一:Anna
也许你可以去祷告Maybe you should just pray for shrimp.所以我每个星期天都去教堂So I went to church every Sunday.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.14周二:Daniel
有时丹中尉也来Sometimes Lieutenant Dan came, too,虽然他只让我负责祷告though I think he left the praying up to me.没有虾No shrimp.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.15周三:Fiona
你那上帝到底在哪儿?Where the hell's this God of yours?奇怪的是丹中尉一说这话It's funny Lieutenant Dan said that上帝就来了'cause right then God showed up.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.16周四:Alex
你绝不能弄沉这条船!You'll never sink this boat!我当时很害怕Now, me, I was scared,但丹中尉,他象是发疯了but Lieutenant Dan, he was mad.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.17周五:Lily
来吧!Come on!你这算是风暴吗?You call this a storm?来吧,你这狗娘养的!Come on, you son of a bitch!咱们来较量一下吧!It's time for a show down!你和我!You and me!
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.18周六:Sam
我就在这儿,来捉我吧!I'm right here! Come and get me!你绝不能弄沉…You'll never sink...这条…this...船!boat!
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.19周日:Shelly
卡门飓风昨天过境Hurricane Carmen came through here yesterday,沿途几乎摧毁了一切destroying nearly everything in its path.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.20周一:Kan
沿海的其他城镇也一样And as in other towns up and down the coast,拉巴特湾的捕虾业Bayou La Batre's entire shrimping industry成为卡门飓风的最大受害者has fallen victim to Carmen渔港完全成了废墟and has been left in utter ruin.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)8.21周二:Girlin
记者被告知This reporter has learned,实际上只有一条捕虾船in fact, only one shrimping boat幸免于难actually survived the storm.
7.31~8.20 阿甘·排表(更新版)