Kindle Mate, 2019/8/9 7:43:38
【BBC】Why do we love our pets so much? (kindle@eub-inc.com)
[if !supportLists]l [endif]if they have a pet. The argument that it's adaptive
The Economist Image [周五, 02 8月 2019] (calibre)
[if !supportLists]l [endif]that. The knowledge economy values the genetic information sequestered in the forest more highly than land or dead trees.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]that. The knowledge economy values the genetic information sequestered in the forest more highly than land or dead trees.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]If Brazil were damming a real river, not choking off an aerial one, downstream nations could consider it an act of war.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]Climate change is bringing the threshold closer every year as the forest heats up.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]As the forest shrivels, less recycling takes place. At a certain threshold, that causes more of the forest to wither so that, over a matter of decades, the process feeds on itself.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]Now Mr Bolsonaro has gleefully taken a buzz saw to them. Although congress and the courts have blocked some of his efforts to strip parts of the Amazon of their protected status, he has made it clear that rule-breakers have nothing to fear, despite the fact that he was elected to restore law and order.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]Rich signatories of the Paris agreement, who pledged to pay developing ones to plant carbon-consuming trees, ought to do so.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]It is overwhelmingly in the parties’ interest to enforce them. So too for China, which is anxious about global warming and needs Brazilian agriculture to feed its livestock.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]It is overwhelmingly in the parties’ interest to enforce them.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, is hastening the process—in the name, he claims, of development.
Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder (Merriam-Webster)
[if !supportLists]l [endif]• In spite of their frightening appearance, marine iguanas
【NPR】Want To Feel Happier Today? Try Talking To A Stranger (kindle@eub-inc.com)
[if !supportLists]l [endif]This doesn't mean we need to set out on some grand quest to connect at every possible turn.
【Economist】Banyan: Who do they think they are? (kindle@eub-inc.com)
[if !supportLists]l [endif]Other countries dream of having Japan’s problems.
[if !supportLists]l [endif]The eyes of the world will be upon Japan next summer when Tokyo hosts the Olympics. Of that, the country is acutely aware. Barely a week goes by without mention of the attention that the games will bring. This has been used to argue for everything from curbs on single-use plastic to changes in the way Japanese names are written in English. The country is not accustomed to being centre stage. Its response betrays its insecurities, not least because Japan is no longer the leader in technology it was when it last hosted the summer Olympics, in 1964
[if !supportLists]l [endif]Historically, Japan’s identity is particularly fraught thanks to a poisonous strain of thought about the uniqueness and superiority of the Japanese race.
The Economist Image [周五, 28 6月 2019] (calibre)
[if !supportLists]l [endif]zip under the gouge; pliable, kindly, magically white
现代英文选评注 | Romeo 大情人 Charles Jackson - 田间小站 (kindle@eub-inc.com)
[if !supportLists]l [endif]intermission. Biddy hadn't been in the previous scene, but I
[if !supportLists]l [endif]