#21天写作第十七天# #修炼专八作文的悲欢#

2018-02-09  本文已影响0人  1277e3752f08



  ★ 常言道:“温故而知新”。那么趁写作计划进行到一半时候,开始对之前写的东西进行“翻新”吧!

★ 前两天网络特渣,简书打不开,所以要补上在此期间落下的写作—_ —


 A brand- new teaching method emerges, which went viral around the would world be known as “Massive Open Online Courses”. What the online courses gravitate the public is their easy accession and versatile subjects. Yet, MOOCs face strong criticism for the low pass rates and high dropout rates however convenience and accessible they seem to be. Despite oblivious fatal drawbacks, MOOCs is are of great significance in teaching field, and it is worth of exerting to keep up the bandwagon worldwide.

    Unlike conventional school education, knowledge can be acquired immediately through the internet without any trifle and sophisticated enrollment. We students are accessible to courses not designed to learn in our ordinary school. Neither dose does traditional form offer flexible schedule for tutoring, nor dose it provide individual teaching pattern best meet students’ interests. Besides, low effectiveness it seem to be, teachers are hold  holding accountable for monitoring every assignments assigments to push students to complete their courses in time. Deadline is indeed the production. It is tests set for evaluating acquired results that eventually drive students to watch courses to its completion. So, the retention rates though appear far below our expectations, while approaches can be made to overcome existing drawbacks to better online education.

    The MOOCs prevail among every countries countries, which denotes a trendy way of acquiring knowledge in the forthcoming future. Although MOOCs introduced an excel concept for studying, stringent requirements should be organized to prevent from hollow and blind studying.


                                             MOOCS: A New Education Style to Ponder 

    Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCS), no longer a popped-up idea but widely applauded—— seem revolutionary and now researchers, through reliable studies, have verified their benefits over traditional teaching and learning. However, other researchers get surprisingly different findings when participation, completion and dropout rates of this online population are concerned. 

    The popularity of MOOCS, to a large extent, illustrates the reality that the virtual world, especially in developed countries, has had greatly impacted and penetrated into people's life. Fragmented learning is not a strange concept to people nowadays and MOOCS cater to people who are much more accustomed to utilizing subway time or the waiting hours of airport departure. Moreover, some of the most popular MOOCS cover topics that are applied to nearly every industry and provide people with courses they are interested in and dependent upon. Especially, if that industry is a must-have that they are considering moving into, MOOCs' convenience is unprecedented. Cost reduction, lifelong learning and many other strengths gained through MOOCS are all welfare for many to achieve their goals.     

    However. MOOC s have been rejected or moderately denied by many for various reasons. Firstly, traditional methods of higher education show remarkable persistence on their status quo and resistance to those newly-emerged models. College professors and teachers will encounter many difficulties in presenting MOOCS due to technology, capital, labor or other diversified limitations, not to mention the fact that the chief goal of many universities is to produce scientific papers to sustain their position in the global market. Secondly, whether MOOCs' credentials will be accepted by the society, particularly the employers, remains an enigma. 

    From what has been discussed above though MOOCS are replacing partial functions of traditional education, they are, at the present time, more like a supplement instead of a substitute and their effects are still in the way of developing and perfecting.


 Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCS), no longer a popped-up idea but widely applauded—— seem revolutionary and now researchers, through reliable studies, have verified their benefits over traditional teaching and learning. However, other researchers get surprisingly different findings when participation, completion and dropout rates of this online population are concerned.



The popularity of MOOCS, to a large extent, illustrates the reality that the virtual world, especially in developed countries, has had greatly impacted and penetrated into people's life. Fragmented learning is not a strange concept to people nowadays and MOOCS cater to people who are much more accustomed to utilizing subway time or the waiting hours of airport departure. Moreover, some of the most popular MOOCS cover topics that are applied to nearly every industry and provide people with courses they are interested in and dependent upon. Especially, if that industry is a must-have that they are considering moving into, MOOCs' convenience is unprecedented. Cost reduction, lifelong learning and many other strengths gained through MOOCS are all welfare for many to achieve their goals.



However. MOOC s have been rejected or moderately denied by many for various reasons. Firstly, traditional methods of higher education show remarkable persistence on their status quo and resistance to those newly-emerged models. College professors and teachers will encounter many difficulties in presenting MOOCS due to technology, capital, labor or other diversified limitations, not to mention the fact that the chief goal of many universities is to produce scientific papers to sustain their position in the global market. Secondly, whether MOOCs' credentials will be accepted by the society, particularly the employers, remains an enigma.


"第三段则从另一角度指出慕课存在的问题。运用 Firstly和 Secondly分条列举, 对分论点予以支撑,比如 College professors and teachers will encounter many difficulties in presenting MOOCS due to the technology, capital, labor or other diversified limitations 和 whether MOOCS’ credentials will be accepted by the society, particularly the employers remains an enigma."

    From what has been discussed above though MOOCS are replacing partial functions of traditional education, they are, at the present time, more like a supplement instead of a substitute and their effects are still in the way of developing and perfecting.



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