美剧天天见:《马男波杰克》口语精华 01

2016-10-04  本文已影响0人  希拉李

1.Let’s dig in. 我们开始吧

He tries his best todig himself in 他拼命地巩固自己的地位

I thought you would dig yourself in at NY 我以为你会在纽约定居下来

2.Don’t make it an issue. 别小题大做了

You have issues.你有毛病啊

3.Stage four colon cancer.  肠癌晚期

4.It premiered on ABC在ABC电台首播

Debut 处女秀 

debut album 首张专辑

5.Initially dismissed by critics as broad and saccharine. 起初被评论家们认定为媚俗而低劣

6.Strike a chord with people引起了人们的共鸣

Resonate with people 引发共鸣

7.Go on air for nine seasons热播了九季

8.I am incredibly drunk. 我醉的不行了

You are incredibly beatiful 你美的让人窒息

9.I am kind of feeling like I am nailing it. 我觉得自己真的是超级棒

Nail it down 搞定它!

10.Shit all over it. 把它贬低的一无是处

11.This show is solid for what it is这部剧还是很不错的

Solid meal 丰盛的食物 Solid reputation 不错的口碑

12.We don’t need to put label on things. 别太早下定义

13.They kick me out and I am nowhere to go. 他们把我赶出来了,我无处可去

Kiss ass 给点颜色

14.You secretly have a good heart.你本质还是心地善良的

15.Alternative lifestyle. 另类的生活方式

16.That’s on you for making assumption. 谁叫你自己胡思乱想

17.We have issue with them. 我们和他们有矛盾

18.You are keeping missing your deadline. 你一直拖延

19.Publishing house 出版社

20.Takeout 外卖

21.We are kind of counting on you.我们就指望着你了

22.Ghost writer 代笔,枪手

23.You have my undivided attention. 我全神贯注地再听你讲

24.I think we should see other people. 我们应该分手了

See people 和别人约会

I am in a dating desert for long while 我很久没有约会了

25.It is the following through on the commitment that I have issue with. 我怕的是做出承诺之后的事情

26.Would it kill you to becivil?你文明点会死吗?

Civil servant 公务员

27.This is so classic you. 典型的你

28.You are using that bread thing to avoid talking about our relationship. 你总是借“面包”的那个话题来逃避她不论我们的感情

29.Throw a party 举办一个派对

30.Separate my professional life with personal life. 公私分明

31.You are in the prime of your life. 你正处于人生巅峰时期

32.Update your progress. 告知一下你的最新进展

33.She is growing up before your eyes.你从小看着她长大

34.I never get this project off the ground. 我一直没有打成这个愿望

Get your feet off the ground. 别整天不切实际

35.This is my turf 这是我的擅长

36.This book is my one shot at preserving my legacy.这本书可能会成为让我流芳百世的遗产

37. Stress you out 亚历山大

38.Anxiety attack焦虑症发作 

Heartattack 心脏病发作 hear stroke 中暑

39.They are the variety of people from all walks of life.来自各行各业的人

40.You are not consistent. 你是一个前后不一的人

41.I will catch up you later 我们稍后再聊

42.Sorry I have not really been mingling.(交际)抱歉我没怎么跟人聊天交际

43.Party makes me anxious in a real broad sense.派对总是让我非常的紧张焦虑

44.He hasn’t realized how miserable he should be. 他还没有意识到自己是多么的可悲

45.We are not on the clock yet. 我们还没有正式开始呢


