
2019-10-20  本文已影响0人  jaychu28

The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
Answer:Four hundred thirty-five (435)
Explanation:Americans live all over the United States, but some places are much more popular than others. For example, more than 35 million people live in California, but only about 500,000 people live in Wyoming. One of the challenges (or difficult things to do) in the U.S. government is to let big and small states participate in the government fairly. Is it fair to give both states equal participation in the government? Or should California have more power than Wyoming since it has so many more people?
The people who created the U.S. government decided that they would have to answer ‘yes’ to both questions. They created the Senate, where each state has equal power no matter how big or small it is, and they created the House of Representatives, where states with more people have more power than states with fewer people.
The House of Representatives currently has 435 representatives, or people who are elected (or chosen by large groups of people) to make decisions for their states. Congress can pass a law to change the total number of representatives if it wants to, but the number hasn’t changed from 435 since 1910. Larger states have more representatives than smaller states do. Right now, California has the most, with 53 representatives. Several of the smallest states, such as Wyoming, Montana, and North and South Dakota, have only one representative each.
The U.S. government does a census every few years, which is an official count of the number of people living in the country. After each census, how many representatives each state gets of the 435 seats (or positions) in the House of Representatives is redone. This means that states that have grown may get more representatives and states that have shrunk (or become smaller) get fewer representatives. This process is called apportionment, which means deciding how something should be shared among many people or, in this case, among many states.
In addition to the 435 representatives, the House also has four delegates who can speak at the meetings but cannot vote. These delegates represent Washington, D.C. (the nation’s capitol), and the country’s territories, which are areas of land that belong to the United States but are not states.










We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?
Answer: Two (2)
Explanation:In most jobs, if you do your work well, you can continue working there almost as long as you like. In general, this is a good thing, but some people think that the United States Congress should be different. When we elect (or choose) a U.S. Representative, he or she works as a representative for only two years. This is known as his or her term, or the length of time that a person works in a public position. Once those two years have ended, if he or she wants to continue to work as a representative, he or she can be reelected for another two years. This can continue indefinitely (or forever or without end).
Some people think that this is a good idea, because it lets us reward representatives who do their work well by allowing them to continue to represent us. But other people believe that there should be a term limit, which would be a maximum number of times that a representative can be reelected for two-year terms. The U.S. President, for example, has a term limit and can be president for only two four-year terms, for a total of eight years.
The people who advocate for (or are in favor of) term limits believe that this would let more people participate in the House of Representatives, bringing new ideas and enthusiasm (or interest and desire to do something) to their work. Americans have debated (or argued for and against) term limits for many years, but there is still no agreement.
In 2003, a popular newspaper called the Wall Street Journal conducted (or carried out) a study about term limits and found that 2/3 of all Americans would like to have term limits in Congress. Because term limits are such a popular idea in many parts of the country, many representatives have pledged (or said that they would do something) to limit the number of terms that they serve (or work in a public position as representatives). However, there is no legal requirement for them to do this. It might, however, help them to get elected if this is something that is important to voters in their area.





2003年,一家名为《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的流行报纸进行了一项关于任期限制的研究,结果发现,2/3的美国人希望在国会拥有任期限制。由于期限限制在美国许多地区非常流行,因此许多代表已承诺(或说他们会做些事情)来限制其服务期限(或在公共场合作为代表工作)。但是,他们没有这样做的法律要求。但是,如果这对他们所在地区的选民很重要,则可能有助于他们当选。



Name your U.S. Representative.
Answer:Answers will vary. [Residents of territories with nonvoting Delegates or resident Commissioners may provide the name of that Delegate or Commissioner. Also acceptable is any statement that the territory has no (voting) Representatives in Congress.]

Explanation:It’s important for Americans to know not only who their U.S. Representative is, but also how he or she is representing them. Americans need to know how their representatives are voting and whether or not those votes accurately (or correctly) represent their interests. If the representative isn’t voting the way that his or her constituents (or the people represented by a representative) want, then those constituents should vote for someone else in the next elections.
However, it could be difficult and time-consuming (or taking a lot of time) to find out how a representative is voting. That is because the U.S. Congress spends a lot of time talking about important issues and voting on many different bills (or ideas for new laws). A normal American wouldn’t have time to read all of those bills and find out how his or her representative is voting. That would be a full-time job!
Fortunately, many organizations try to gather (or collect) this information, summarize it (or say the most important ideas in fewer words), and share that information with voters, so that they can make informed decisions. Some groups provide biographical information (or information about a person’s life) about representatives, as well as their voting records (or a list of how a person has voted on all decisions during a certain period of time). People can quickly read this information to determine how well their representative is representing them.
The website for the U.S. House of Representatives provides the roll call votes, or lists of how representatives have voted over time. However, the other organizations make this information easier to understand, because they also explain what the votes mean for each bill and show changes in a representative’s votes over time. Many people study the voting records published by these organizations before they decide who they want to vote for.



答:答案会有所不同。 [具有不投票权的代表或常驻专员的领土居民可以提供该代表或专员的姓名。关于领土没有国会(投票)代表的任何声明也是可以接受的。]







Who does a U.S. Senator represent?
Answer:All people of the state
Explanation:Here’s an interesting thing about the U.S. government: even if you vote against the person who wins an election (or a competition to see who gets the most votes and is chosen for a public position), he or she has to represent you! In other words, if you vote for person A to become senator, but person B wins, then person B must represent you just as if you had voted for him or her! That is why we say that U.S. senators represent all the people of a state.
How does a senator do this? Obviously (or clearly), a senator cannot meet and speak with all the people whom he or she represents. This would take up too much time and he or she would never be able to attend the Senate sessions (or meetings with other representatives). So, instead of speaking with everyone in the state, senators rely on (or depend on or use) opinion polls (or surveys or questionnaires) that show what most people in their state think about important topics. This is an easy way for a senator to know what most people think about a certain law without having to call everyone to ask.
Senators also try to create opportunities for interested voters to speak with them about pressing issues (or topics that they think are most important). Voters can always call, email, or write to their senators to share their opinions. Senators also have offices where they can meet with their constituents (or the people they represent). They normally have an office in Washington, D.C. where the Senate sessions are held (or where they happen), and at least one office in their state, usually in the most important city or cities. When Senate is in session (or having meetings), the senators are in Washington, D.C. The rest of the time, they are normally in their home states, speaking with voters and planning what they want to do the next time the Senate is in session.









Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?






