Aliyun - Swarm Cluster Client
2019-12-11 本文已影响0人
1. 概述
Aliyun将于20191231停止SwarmPortal的技术支持,如何完成日后aliyun swarm cluster的维护,准备了一个脚本,可以完成template的更新。如果需要登录到docker container,可以登录到node完成;如果需要查看日志,可以通过logstore完成。
2. 参考文档
3. 使用说明
- pip3 install requests
- 安装aliyun-cli:
$ python3
Welcome to the aliyun cluster service shell. Type help or ? to list commands.
[malong clusters]# ?
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
bye clusters help projects select
[malong clusters]# ? clusters
Get clusters list: clusters
or get a cluster details: clusters <cluster_id>
[malong clusters]# ? select
Select a cluster: select <cluster_id>
[malong clusters]# ? projects
Get projects list: projects
or get a project details: projects <project_name>
or update a project template: projects <project_name> update <new_project_version> <new_project_template_filepath>
4. 代码奉上
import cmd, shlex, subprocess, json, requests
from functools import partial
from subprocess import check_call as _call
call = partial(_call, shell=True)
def exec_cmd(command_line):
args = shlex.split(command_line)
# res =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
res = subprocess.check_output(args, encoding='utf8')
data = json.loads(res)
except Exception as e:
return None # todo should abort
return data
class AliyunClusterInfo(object):
name = None
cluster_id = None
region_id = None
state = None
master_url = None
cluster_type = None
created = None
updated = None
ca_pem_file = None
cert_pem_file = None
key_pem_file = None
def __repr__(self):
return f'{} {self.cluster_id:33} {self.cluster_type:10} {self.state:10} {self.region_id:11} {self.updated:25}'
def from_dict(cls, data):
info = cls()
info.__dict__ = data
return info
def get_clusters():
data = exec_cmd('aliyun cs GET /clusters')
clusters = [AliyunClusterInfo.from_dict(item) for item in data]
clusters = sorted(clusters, key=lambda x:
clusters = filter(lambda x: x.cluster_type == 'aliyun', clusters) # ignore ManagedKubernetes
return clusters
def get_a_cluster(cluster_id):
return exec_cmd(f'aliyun cs GET /clusters/{cluster_id}')
def select_a_cluster(cluster_id):
ca_pem_file = f'.certs/{cluster_id}.ca.pem'
cert_pem_file = f'.certs/{cluster_id}.cert.pem'
key_pem_file = f'.certs/{cluster_id}.key.pem'
call(f'[ -d .certs ] || mkdir .certs')
call(f'''[ -f {ca_pem_file} ] || aliyun cs GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/certs | jq '.ca' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/\\\\n/\\n/g' > {ca_pem_file}''')
call(f'''[ -f {cert_pem_file} ] || aliyun cs GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/certs | jq '.cert' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/\\\\n/\\n/g' > {cert_pem_file}''')
call(f'''[ -f {key_pem_file} ] || aliyun cs GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/certs | jq '.key' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/\\\\n/\\n/g' > {key_pem_file}''')
data = get_a_cluster(cluster_id)
cluster_info = AliyunClusterInfo.from_dict(data)
cluster_info.ca_pem_file = ca_pem_file
cluster_info.cert_pem_file = cert_pem_file
cluster_info.key_pem_file = key_pem_file
return cluster_info
def get_projects(cluster_info: AliyunClusterInfo, project_name=None):
request_url = f'{cluster_info.master_url}/projects/?services=true&containers=true&q={project_name}' \
if project_name else f'{cluster_info.master_url}/projects/?services=true&containers=true'
res = requests.get(request_url,
cert=(cluster_info.cert_pem_file, cluster_info.key_pem_file))
my_projects = list(filter(lambda x: not x['name'].startswith('acs'), res.json()))
return my_projects
def update_a_project_template(cluster_info: AliyunClusterInfo, project_name, new_version, new_template):
body = {'template': new_template, 'version': new_version}
request_url = f'{cluster_info.master_url}/projects/{project_name}/update'
resp =
request_url, json=body, verify=cluster_info.ca_pem_file,
cert=(cluster_info.cert_pem_file, cluster_info.key_pem_file))
if resp.status_code == 202:
print(f'Project {project_name} in {}({cluster_info.cluster_id}) updated to version {new_version} success.')
print(f'ERROR: Fail to update project {project_name} in {}({cluster_info.cluster_id}) due to:')
class AliyunCsShell(cmd.Cmd):
intro = 'Welcome to the aliyun cluster service shell. Type help or ? to list commands.'
prompt = '[malong clusters]# '
def __init__(self):
self.cluster_info: AliyunClusterInfo = None
def do_select(self, arg):
Select a cluster: select <cluster_id>
if len(arg) != 33:
print(f'{arg} error, should be a valid cluster_id')
self.cluster_info = select_a_cluster(arg)
print('select cluster_id success')
def do_clusters(self, arg):
Get clusters list: clusters
or get a cluster details: clusters <cluster_id>
if not arg:
print(f"{'='*40}Clusters Table{'='*40}")
clusters = get_clusters()
for item in clusters:
if len(arg) != 33: # the length of cluster_id should be 33
print(f'cluster_id {arg} error')
print(f"{'='*40}Cluster {arg} Details{'='*40}")
data = get_a_cluster(arg)
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
def do_projects(self, arg):
Get projects list: projects
or get a project details: projects <project_name>
or update a project template: projects <project_name> update <new_project_version> <new_project_template_filepath>
if not self.cluster_info:
print(f'Please select cluster_id first')
args = arg.split() if arg else []
if not args:
my_projects = get_projects(self.cluster_info)
print(f"{'='*40}Projects Details{'='*40}")
print(json.dumps(my_projects, indent=4))
print(f"{'='*40}Projects Summary{'='*40}")
print(f'my projects num: {len(my_projects)}')
print(f'my projects:')
for proj in my_projects:
print(f"{proj['name']:40} {proj['version']:10} {proj['current_state']:10} {proj['updated']}")
elif len(args) == 1:
project_name = args[0]
print(f"{'='*40}Project {project_name} Template{'='*40}")
projects = get_projects(self.cluster_info, project_name=project_name)
if not projects:
print(f'not exists project: {project_name}')
for proj in projects:
print(f"{'=' * 20}cluster_id: {self.cluster_info.cluster_id}, cluster_name: {}")
print(f"{'=' * 20}project_name: {proj['name']}, project_version: {proj['version']}, project_template: \n{proj['template']}")
elif len(args) == 4:
if args[1] != 'update':
print('only support update operation')
project_name = args[0]
new_proj_version = args[2]
new_proj_template = args[3]
with open(new_proj_template, 'r') as f:
new_proj_template =
update_a_project_template(self.cluster_info, project_name, new_proj_version, new_proj_template)
print('not support command, please type "help projects" for help')
def do_bye(self, arg):
Bye bye
if __name__ == '__main__':