不知道大家看到这副作品《Down to Zoo》想到了什么,Tyger第一反应《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?》, 后者可是凯迪克金奖绘本作品。本次作品的作者才小学一年级,这是怎样的天才呀!!!向未来的绘本天才Caleb致敬,再次感谢故事奶奶给到孩子们创作灵感。

故事奶奶:Joy Cowley
作品:《Down to Zoo》

Down to Zoo

The monkey goes down.

The elephant goes down.

The bear goes down.

The snake goes down.

The lion goes down.

The giraffe goes down.

The butterfly goes down.

The turtle goes down.

The fox goes down.

The frog goes down.

The bird goes down.

The zebra goes down.

The tiger goes down.

The zoo goes down.

to zoo.