
2015-06-16  本文已影响50人  长岛冰泪Willin





进展(Progress) - 我达到的程度





过程(Process) - 我在做的事情

不用多说也知道,一直是在做一些服务器相关的事情,目前主要是在做Open API平台和后台管理系统。关键词: DevOps、全栈、算法、性能、安全、并发、数据处理。




计划(Program) - 我可能会去尝试



  1. 读一些书。其实今年已经又买了很多,但因为很忙还没读完,如一些幽默故事,诗歌,技术等相关的。
  2. 一场远行。暂定1000KM之外。
  3. 复习英语。落下了很久,已经生疏了。
  4. 一次升职。然后给自己定更高的目标。
  5. 改善生活习惯。健康的身体,革命的本钱。
  6. 一段感情。一起步入爱情的坟墓。






If you are not getting tired out today, you will not succeed tomorrow.


It has been a very long period before I write something. When I touch the keyboard, my brain goes empty. I can hardly remember I'd like to be a poet, a novelist. Turned back to those words I wrote every birthday, too negative too naive. Perhaps those days could be the worst of all my half life, more behind that are catharses. Just as, I began to hate the guy I see in the mirror, fat, dark, and ugly.

Around with Life, Work and Love things for long, it's time to have a new style.

Life Love and Work things

The game of life is hard to play. It's not a easy thing to describe and I choose to leave it unsaid. However to draw a conclusion, there hadn't been anything important happened during the past year.

Progress - Things I've done.

In the Non-Technical field, dabbling in many areas especially the economy, the psychology, the IoT industries and products and user experiences.

What a load of crap. Altough it's the truth.

The ideal is the ideal and the reality is the reality. The best way to evaluate the improvement of a person in a period of time, is to calculate how much value had he created and how much benefits had he brought to ralated.

In another way, most things I done make no sense. And they are far awawy from I expected. In general, most things done are simple, and simple things go well.

It's ashamed to say, the progress I'm struggling with usually comes in a easy way and be made to another easier way. What I hope to deal with, is something hard and tough.

Process - Things I'm doing.

No need to say, the work is always around server-side things. Major in Open API Platform and Admin Dashboard Management System. Keywords: DevOps, Full Stack, Algorithm, Performance, Security, Concurrency, Data Analysis.

As I just said, repeating simple things. And it's time to make some changes, and do something new, something creative.

Except main job, lerning team cooperation and management is the top thing, 'coz it's a weakness of mine.

When not on the job, there is barely good news.

Program - Things I'll do.

I'm not a hero, I can't save the world. On the road making a better world for myself, my beloved and then perhaps the whole world.

There is a list doing and todo for the following year.

  1. Read several books, such as humor stories, poems, technical and so on.
  2. Go on a trip, distance over 1000km.
  3. Review English.
  4. Enhance the job position.
  5. Improve living habits.
  6. Start a relationship.

Maybe it's not a hard thing, to build a home up I need, to gain the the security sense I lost. However it's not so easy.

Start Over

Memories are always a bit of bitter. When it comes to the begones, it seems some negative but in fact I'm affirmative. I like plans and I have a clear sense of direction. Write less, do more.

To be Willin, is to be willing.

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