读点儿英文原著语言·翻译好文关于写作 生活


2017-05-23  本文已影响28人  海边的海明威

During my year inRome, I kept a paperback next to my bed: “TheUnbearable Lightness of Being,” of course. Every morning I reread page 8 andthe sentences I had underlined as a moody,un-laid teen-ager already anticipating his

deathbed: “What happens butonce . . . might as well not have happened at all. If we have only one life tolive, we might as well not have lived at all.” Next to this I had written inshaded teen-aged block letters: “EUROPEAN CYNICISM OR VERY SCARY TRUTH???”Perhaps it was this book that had first launched my search for immortality.Joshie himself once said to a very important client, “Eternal life is the onlylife that matters. All else is just a moth circling the light.” He hadn’tnoticed me standing by the door to his office. I had returned to my desk intears, feeling abandoned to nothingness, mothlike, yet stunned by Joshie’sunusual lyricism. The part about the moth, I mean.

Here’s how I look at it. Money equals

life. By my estimate, even the preliminarybeta-dechronificationtreatments—forexample, the insertion of SmartBlood to regulate my ridiculous cardiovascularsystem—would run three million yuan per year. With each second I have spent inRome, lustily minding the architecture, drinking and eating enough dailyglucose to kill a Cuban sugarcane farmer, I have been paving the toll road tomy own demise.

But don’t bury me yet, judgmental diary. Anew Lenny heart beats more convincingly than the old one. Eunice Park will saveme. You just watch.

Last night, the last night of my Eurosabbatical, I told myself, Remember this, Lenny. Develop a sense of nostalgiafor something, or you’ll never figure out what’s important. Remember how youmet Eunice at your last orgiastic Roman party, how you rescued her fromwhat’s-his-face, the diabetic American sculptor with the Beatlesque mop andstubby teeth, how you dragged that nano-sized woman into the night with you.






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