Poison in the Food Chain食物链里之毒素

Fish provide food for people all over the world. Especially in coastal communities, people eat fish several times a day. Fish are also an important part of the food chain. They eat plants and animals and are food for other living creatures.
Although there are regulations, sometimes pollutants make their way from land to the water. Chemicals are often used on farms to kill insects. They can be useful, but they can also be very harmful to animals such as fish.
A toxin that is often found in fish is mercury. This heavy metal is produced naturally in the form volcanic gases and the weathering of rocks. People also release mercury into the environment by using fossil fuels. Pollutants like mercury fall to the ground in the form of rain or snow, then fall into bodies of water which carries the mercury into the oceans.
The concentration of toxins in fish gets stronger over time because the chemicals inside of the body cannot be broken down. Larger fish take in more toxins because they eat smaller face that are also contaminated. When people eat this fish, we also ingest mercury.
Sharks and swordfish contain the highest levels of mercury. However, some other fish such as flounder, sole and salmon are low in mercury and other harmful chemicals, so it is important to choose what fish you eat wisely.
