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今天给大家带来的知识分享为 RT 新闻社对中国游客在朝鲜遇难事故的相关报道。此外还有有趣的单词解析以及英语双关语的学习。本文章意在与读者分享英语短文的个人翻译,希望能够给广大的英语学习与爱好者能够提供帮助。
1. 英语短文翻译分享
标题:30+ Chinese among 36 dead in North Korea tourist bus crash
短文来源: RT news, April 23th
A serious traffic accident in North Korea has claimed the lives of 36 people, among them 32 Chinese, and left two more injured, the foreign ministry has confirmed.
The accident occurred on North Korea’s Huanghai Road at night. After sending a medical group to the crash site, Beijing confirmed that “32 Chinese tourists and four DPRK [North Korean] workers” were killed in the crash. Two more people suffered severe injuries.
事故发生在当天夜晚朝鲜 Huanghai 街道(附近)。在派遣医疗救治队伍到事故地点之后,中方确认 已有32名中国游客在事故中遇难,另外还有4名朝鲜工作人员丧生。另外还有两名中国人严重受伤。

The ministry says it immediately initiated an “emergency mechanism” and has been “sparing no effort” in attending to the situation.
Full details of the incident have yet to be officially disclosed. Earlier, however, the Chinese state news agency CGTN had posted a tweet reporting that a tour bus had fallen off a bridge, killing 30 people. The tweet was then deleted. Meanwhile, travel industry sources also allegedly confirmed to NK News on Monday that more than 30 people have died in a tour bus crash in North Korea.
关于事故的全部细节还没有被官方正式披露。但是中国中央电视台新闻社(旗下英语新闻频道) CGTN 已经在社交软件 Twitter(推特)上报道旅游巴士从桥梁坠落造成30人死亡的重大交通事故。随后这条消息被删除。与此同时,来自(朝鲜)旅游业的消息也向 NK news 新闻社(美国一家专门报道朝鲜半岛消息的新闻社)证实周一发生在朝鲜的交通事故已经造成超过30人死亡。

The tragedy reportedly involved a group of Chinese travel company staff from Beijing, who were returning to Pyongyang from the southern city of Kaesong.
The segment of the road where the accident is believed to have occurred is currently undergoing a major renovation project, ahead of Friday’s summit between Korean leaders Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in, multiple sources told NK News. In addition, weather conditions could have contributed to the tragedy, with heavy rain and wind reported on the Korean peninsula on Sunday.
多方消息告诉 NK 新闻社,事故发生的路段之前正在进行一项大的翻新项目,(目的是)为本周五朝鲜韩国两国领导人会面做准备。此外,天气情况也是悲剧发生的一项主要原因。上周日朝鲜半岛被报道有暴雨以及狂风的天气情况。
North Korea attracts a significant number of Chinese tourists from its fellow communist neighbor, worth about $44 million in additional annual revenue to Pyongyang. About 80 percent of all North Korea's foreign tourists are Chinese, the Korea Maritime Institute estimates. According to Beijing, more than 237,000 Chinese visited the country in 2012.

2. 英语单词解析
韦氏词典(Dictionary by Merriam-Webster)英语学习者版(English-language learns)中的解释:
someone who visits a person or place
Visitor 在上文中出现了很多次。韦氏词典中的解释为 “去拜访他人或去参观某地的人”,即为 “游客,观光客”。它的衍生动词为 visit,拜访(visit)他人的人就是访客(visitor),这样能够轻松的记住这两个词汇。
此外,还有另外一个词来替代 visitor 形容游客,在上文中也出现过,”tourist“。
3. Share of Pun (双关语)
smoking free
Smoking free 是公共场所很常见的标语,意义为 “禁止吸烟”。

其中标语中的 free 不是代表我们熟知的 “免费,自由” 的意义,而是代表 “空无一切,空洞的”。从而标语中解释为 “禁止吸烟”,而不是 “免费吸烟”。
因此,越来越多的禁烟标语都不再使用 “smoking free”,而是使用下列标识,意义更加明确,更加具有震慑力:
