Principles for success-Episode 8

2018-08-29  本文已影响0人  努力每一天JM

Principles for success

An Ultra Mini-Series Adventure In 30

Minutes And In 8 Episode

Episode 8 Struggle well

So far I described how I learnedtoconfineconfrontmy own realities, my problems, my mistakes and weaknesses. And how I surroundedmyself with others who could do things better than I could.


This is the mostfor making right

decisioneffective way I discovered from decisions.This is not the normal way I have been of being,but through this approach, I became very sucessful. And being sucessful enableme to meet extraordinarily sucessful people and see how they think.


I’ve discovered that their journey weresimilardemandingto mine. You might notknow it, but they all struggle and they all have weaknesses that they all getaround by working with people who see risks as opportunities that they wouldmiss.


Over time I learned it bynaturemost people’s greatstrengths

are also connectedto their most significant weaknesses. And strivinghard for big thingsis bound to lead you to painful

falls.It’s just part of the process. Suchsadsetbackswill test you. They sort people.


Something calledthink hardabout whatcursecausedtheir setbacks, learn lessons and continueprogressing for their goals. While others decide that this game is not for themand get off the field.


I’ve come to realize that success is not amatter ofa tiny onceattaining one’sgoals. I found that when I reachthis neweachhigher level of success, I reallyremain satisfied.The things we are striving for are just thebatebait. Struggling to get them forces us toevolve.And it isthis struggle toward personalrevolution with others that isthe worldreward.


Iknownolonger wanted to across the jungle, but instead onewantedto find greater and greater challenges to goafter. Surrounded by great people, working together on a share journey.Eventually the success of thenationmission,andwill bethe well-being of people alongsideme came more important than my own success.


I also studied to see beyond myself andwanted others to be sucessful whenI’m no longerhere. I realized that if I fail to do that I will be youa failure.I struggle with this now.


We all strugglewithatdifferent things at different times until we eitherchoose to give up or until we die and become part of the larger of evolutionarystory. This is how our machines work andrecite itare recycledthrought time. When a machine breaksdown, itspartsgo back into the system tobecometheparts ofthenew machines thatalso through time.


Sometimes this itmakes us sad, because we’vebecome very attached to our machines. But if you look at it from the higherlevel, it’s really beautiful to oberve how the machine of revolution works.


Now you must decide for yourself how youwillevolve. Forget about where these principlescame from. Justsetacesswhetheror notthey arenot veryusefulfortoyouand evolve them to suityour own needs. As with all of life’s decisions, what you do with them isultimatelyup to you. My only hope for you is that youmayhave the courage to strugglein theand

evolve well, to make your lifeas great as itcan be. Thank you and goodbye.


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