
【天声人语】三流喜剧的终结 20190613

2019-06-20  本文已影响0人  吕尧



Public anxiety over pensions returns to haunt the ruling LDP 






“作为世界上长寿和高龄化程度最高的国家,日本要成为其他国家学习的典范”。研究长寿社会的第一人,英国学者Lynda Gratton,作品“百岁人生”是她多年紧密关注日本的动向写成的。前年,他还被安倍晋三首相召开的首次“人生百年会议”被邀请出席参加。










When it came to light in the summer of 2007 that pension records of as many as 50 million people had become untraceable due to clerical errors, anxious citizens formed long lines outside Social Insurance Agency(present-day Japan Pension Service) offices around the nation.

The Asahi Shimbun's Letters to the Editor section was inundated with letters from angry and dismayed pensioners calling the agency out on this major debacle and demanding their money back.

That was three years after pension issues kicked up a political storm in 2004 when then-Prime Minister Junichiro Koizuimi's past problems with payments into his own Kosei Nenkin pension program for corporate employees surfaced.

Grilled ruthlessly in the Diet by opposition parties, Koizumi added fuel to the fire by making light of the situation with a frivolous, mock-philosophical observation on life and the corporate world.

In the summers of 2004 and 2007, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party suffered setbacks in Upper House elections.

Perhaps bitter memories of those losses are still fresh in the minds of LDP leaders today.

A recent report by an advisory panel of experts to the Financial Services Agency caused public uproar for asserting pensions would not be enough to support elderly couples, and Finance Minister Taro Also- the very man who asked the panel to compile the report-refused to endorse it.

LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nakai defended Aso's self-serving nature, noting with unexpected candor, "We have (the upper House) election coming up this summer."

The Japanese world "Simon" means "advisory." The kanji for "shi" implies "reciting a Shinto prayer and pleading woefully to the gods," according to "Joyo JIkai," a book on the meaning of kanji characters by Shizuka Shirakawa(1910-2006), a scholar of Chinese classics.

What Aso did was tantamount to begging the financial experts for their divine wisdom, and then dismissing it out of hand.

This is nothing short of a bad farce.

Lynda Gratton, a foremost British researcher on aged society, focused on trends in Japan in her 2011 publication "The Shift: The Future of Work is Already Here."

She noted that Japan, where longevity is already a fact ahead of other countries, can serve as a model for the rest of the world.

Gratton was invited by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to attend the first meeting of the Council for Designing 100-Year Life Society in 2017.

I wonder how the rest of the world perceives the pathetic slapstick of Aso's rejection of the financial panel report.

I also wonder what kind of a storm the pension issue will kick up in the Upper House election this summer.


