道德经(Tao Te Ching)中英文对照


2019-02-07  本文已影响0人  鱼目逗珠

  善建者不拔,善抱者不脱,子孙以祭祀不輟。 修之於身,其德乃真;修之於家,其德乃餘;修之於乡,其德乃长;修之於邦,其德乃丰;修之於天下,其德乃普。故以身观身,以家观家,以乡观乡,以邦观邦,以天下观天下。吾何以知天下然哉?以此。

Te Ching Chapter Fifty-four

One who cultivates himself with Tao,

Firmly establishes his virtue.

He holds on faithfully to the Great Oneness,

And is honored for generations ever after.

Cultivate oneself with the Oneness, Tao and the virtue is genuine.

Cultivate a family with the Oneness, Tao and the virtue is in surplus.

Cultivate an entire village with the Oneness, Tao and the virtue is enduring.

Cultivate a whole nation with the Oneness, Tao and the virtue is luxuriant.

Cultivate the whole world with the Oneness, Tao and the virtue is universal.

Hence, by cultivating oneself, thus gains insight into one’s true virtue.

By cultivating a family, thus gains insight into a loving family.

By cultivating a village, thus gains insight into a harmonious village.

By cultivating a nation, thus gains insight into the extensive benefits for the people.

By cultivating the whole world, thus gains insight into the universal peace that embrace all beings.

How do I know that the world is so?

It is through this Way.

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