Suggestions for Amazon sellers to boost sales
1. Get as much reviews as possible
消费者评价的作用很大,88%的消费者信任网上评价。所以卖家要尽可能得到消费者评价,有照片的更好。大约90%的亚马逊买家不会留下反馈,所以卖家可以采用Feedback Five这类型的工具,提高反馈数量,移除负面评价。
Consumer reviews play very important role, with 88 percent of consumers trusting online reviews. Therefore, sellers should try their best to get as much positive customer comments as possible, and it's better to have photos. However, about 90 percent of Amazon buyers don't leave comments, so sellers can use Feedback Five or similar tools to increase the amount of comments and remove negative reviews.
2, Use the appropriate keywords to improve SEO
In addition to the seller's rating and product price, Amazon also uses the keywords in the product title to rank the listing. Amazon's product titles are limited to 500 characters and are recommended to include brands, descriptions, product line, materials, colors, and sizes.
卖家可以使用 Amazon Keyword Tool工具,找到受欢迎的长尾标题关键词,然后从中找到适合你的关键词,再把它们输入到谷歌的Keyword Planner Tool工具,评估这些关键词的搜索量。
Sellers can use the Amazon Keyword Tool to find popular long-tailed title keywords, and find the keywords that are right for you among these keywords, and then enter them into Google's Keyword Planner Tool to evaluate the search volume of these keywords.
Besides the product title, Amazon has other keyword fields. You can enter five keywords or phrases into the fields. Remember, do not use keywords that already appear in the title.
3、保持价格竞争优势,赢取Buy Box
3. Keep the price competitive advantage and win Buy Box
库存,物流、客户服务和价格是赢取Buy Box的重要条件,重新定价工具比如 FeedVisor或者teikametrics能帮助你24小时监控竞争对手的价格,比如你可以设定比竞争对手低0.01美元,随时让你保持价格竞争力。如果竞争对手缺货了,这些工具会自动提高价格,最大化你的利润。
Inventory, logistics, customer service, and prices are important factors to win Buy Box. Repricing tools such as FeedVisor or teikametrics can help you monitor competitors 'prices 24 hours a day. For example, you can set your price $0.01 lower than that of your competitors and keep your price competitive at all times. If your competitors are out of stock, these tools automatically raise prices to maximize your profits.
4, Use Amazon's advertising services
如果你希望让你的产品吸引众人的眼球,可以尝试亚马逊的 Amazon sponsored product的广告服务,让你的产品出现在搜索结果下面、页面右列或者产品细节页面。亚马逊宣布计划增强这个功能,让广告变得更加显眼,它提供免费试用。
If you want to make your product attractive, try Amazon's Amazon sponsored product advertising service, which gets your product listed in the search results, in the right column of the page, or on the product details page. Amazon announced that it plans to enhance this feature to make ads more visible. More important, it offers a free trial.
5, Attract consumers with discounts
折扣是吸引消费者的一个重要方式。促销和折扣能让你排在品类的第一名,同时也提高了出现在亚马逊首页“Hot Deals ”和“New & Noteworthy”版块下的概率,这些版块能给你带来大量的流量,同时提高你页面相关产品的曝光度,吸引消费者购买你的其他产品。
Discounts are an important way to attract consumers. Promotions and discounts can place you at the top of the category, while also increase your probability of appearing in the 'Hot Deals' and' New & Noteworthy' sections of amazon's homepage, which can bring you significant traffic and increase the exposure of related products on your page, and further attract consumers to buy other products.
6, Marketing outside Amazon
虽然亚马逊不允许出现引导消费者链接到其他网站的邮件等,但是反过来你可以在其他网站上引导消费者到你的亚马逊店铺。文章和博客就是一个很好的方式。利用Hubpages、Go Articles 和Isnare等网站写些产品文章,并链接回你的店铺。
Although Amazon does not allow email or other means that lead consumers to links to other sites, you can instead direct consumers to your Amazon store from other sites. Articles and blogs are great ways to achieve the goal. Write some articles about your products on websites such as Hubpages, Go Articles and Isnare and links back to your store.
Leaving coupons with your packing list is also an effective way to keep customers. Flash purchases, one-time promotions and free delivery are all effective ways to attract consumers to place orders again.
Part II: Amazon Case Analysis
Now, let's look at a real case together! ToiletTree is an Amazon seller in New Jersey, USA.
They put a lot of effort into building their websites and get huge traffic from Google through SEO optimization and keyword advertising.
At the same time, they make great efforts to integrate their online store with social platforms like Facebook and Amazon.
Their own website:
Facebook Page:
Twitter Page:
最后,我们看一下ToiletTree在Amazon上的一款Nose Trimmer。可以从下图中看到,ToiletTree的这款产品价格为 $17.95美金。
Finally, let's take a look at the Noose Trimmer of ToiletTree on Amazon. As you can see from the figure below, the price of this product from ToiletTree is $17.95.
同时,它在整个 Beauty 类别排名#47,子类别排名#1,好评总数已经达到3589条!可见销量巨大!
It ranks # 47 in the Beauty category and # 1 in the sub-category. The total number of favorable reviews has reached 3,589! What a great sales!
As you can see from this actual case, the net profit of this product of ToiletTree is at least $10. At such a high price, It can manage to rank first in the sub-category of Amazon and top 50 in the category. That's where American sellers stand out!