
2015-06-26  本文已影响0人  hejiwen

A New Innovation PerspectiveChange to Fluidity


Today most innovation is focused oncreating new products or services.  These new innovations frequentlychange or modify operating models and business models, often not by deliberatedesign. We stipulate that most innovation should be focused on updating andchanging business models constantly and with increasing focus. With this focusnew products and services become by-products or outcomesthat support or sustain new business models for driving greater lastingsustaining competitive advantage.


This is the fourth in a series discussing theinterplay around innovation, to recap:


Jeffrey Phillips ofOVO Innovationand I Paul Hobcraft at Agility Innovation would argue that we are failing tomanage the different and multiple interplays that are constantly taking placewhen innovation occurs. We are often ignoring them and failing to extract thebest or optimal value out of the innovation we are introducing.

In a White Paper we have just writtencalled “the critical interplay among innovation, business models and

change”we provide a foundationdocument that highlights the important interplay between innovation, businessmodels and change.

OVO Innovation的Jeffrey Phillips以及Agility Innovation的Paul Hobcraft讨论了当创新出现时,我们没有成功的去管理持续发生的不同和多重的相互作用。我们经常会忽视它们而且没有成功提取出我们所引入的创新中最好以及最优的价值。在我们刚刚完成的叫作“创新之中的关键相互作用,商务模型和变革”白皮书中,我们提供了一个强调创新,商务模型以及变革之间重要相互作用的基础文件。

A new white paper “Why innovators need a new change paradigm” takesthis even further by looking more specifically at emerging models and thecompetencies required to react to this change in more ‘fluid’ ways.


The Interplay is Demanding Change and New Models

If innovation continues at a high pace,and forces change across customers, the market and the innovator, as well ascreating new business models, then we can easily accept that innovators must begood at planning for and executing change.  Innovation and change aresomewhat symbiotic:  sustained innovation cannot occur without good changecapability, and innovation creates demand for change.



When we add in the interplay acrossinnovation, business models and change it’s evident that change is a constant,and will only increase.  Yet there is a significant problem:existing change models that describe how we think about andimplement change no longer seem valid, given the nature and the pace of change.


Innovators need a new change model

We innovators need a new model ofchange, for at least seven important reasons:



1. As innovators we aren’t simplyresponding to external change, we are creating change, both for customers andfor our companies and markets. (inside, proactive change vs external, reactive)


2.External change is far moreunpredictable, in global markets new threats emerge from anywhere, at any timeand often delivered in totally unpredicted business models


3.The pace and nature of change isn’tslowing, but is accelerating and will continue to accelerate. (increasing pace,frequency and amplitude of change)


4.As we’ve demonstrated, most innovationhas the potential to be business model innovation, which will requirechange.  (As more innovation becomes focused on business model innovation,this will create even more change)


5.We recognize that change is no longer anoccasional threat but a constant companion (shift from the idea of change as athreat to change capacity as a competitive advantage)


6.The idea that companies can achieve aprotected steady state where change won’t affect them doesn’t seem to applyanymore (long periods of stasis are no longer possible.  Must be able tochange/evolve constantly)


7.We need to think of change as acapability that we constantly deploy, rather than a threat we typically avoid.(Need to develop change as a capability, to build skills, reduce barriers)

For these reasons the concept ofunfreezing and refreezing does not seem appropriate anymore.  As changebecomes more constant, and as we ourselves create change through innovation andbusiness model development we must be much more open to, and welcoming of, change. Rather than viewing change as an occasional nuisance or hurdle, we must buildcapabilities that allow us to implement change constantly, building barriersfor other companies that don’t embrace change or can’t change quickly andcapably.



Factors that must change

Perhaps the biggest change to status quothinking about change is the concept of a protected steady state where theorganization can “freeze” and resist or deflect change for a long period oftime.  The nature of competition is so fierce that we cannot wall off amarket, a segment or a company and avoid change.  Rather we need to createcapabilities, systems and knowledge that allows us to embrace change and use itto our advantage, whether we create the change through new innovation or thechange is thrust upon us from external factors or competitors.



Another concept that must berejectedis the idea that change is difficult,distracting and problematic.  In the older unfreeze-refreeze model thegoal is to experience a significant amount of change in the shortest amount oftime, moving as quickly to the new steady state as possible.  This signalsa lack of engagement, resistance to change and avoidance.  Why would wereinforce avoidance of change when the winners in the future markets will bethe firms that can embrace and manage change, who are constantly creatingchange through new innovation?  We need to create the belief that changeis a positive experience and change capacity creates a positive differentiatorfor those who invest in the skills and methods.


The old change model indicates signalsthat a company must endure a brief change activity to win a long period ofquiet in the new operating state.  This promise of eventual stability ismisleading and based on historical data, not future trends andindicators.  The older model makes promises that competitive forcescontradict.   New realities suggest that we need to be constantlyadapting to emerging opportunities and threats, and building changecapabilities.  Perhaps a new model for change is:


Unfreeze the Rigid – Build change capabilities/reduce cultural barrier Create change/Promote Fluidity

In this suggested change model werecognize that rather than adapting to a new reality, we need to build andsustain change capabilities to be prepared for any eventuality.  In thenew “state” we don’t expect to sustain a new status quo but to create changeand remain capable and be constantly fluid, embracing change and innovationconsistently.



To succeed in future markets that willpossess far more change, at a much higher rate than before, with far moreinnovation,we need a new model for change that shifts the

concept of change from an occasional, painful interruption to a consistent,

evolving capability.  First we need to understand theexisting barriers and challenges associated with change. Then we’ll need tobuild change capabilities, and finally create a new operational and culturalstructure to sustain change.


Fluidity is becoming our growing need of

understanding today

There is considerable discussion aroundchanging structures and models to become more adaptive, agile and fluid. Withsuch an increasing level of complexity and environmental turbulence thatorganizations are having to master, most of their existing systems, processesand approaches are facing increasing challenges. The solutions of fluid, agileand adaptive are aiming to develop highly flexible and fluid organizations asan attractive answer to move towards.



There is so much change beingundertaken, the growing call for quick improvisation and ad hoc responses allneeds to take us away from those rigid processes into open and fluids ones.



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