(1) I used to say jocularly that the great books were those everybody recommends and nobody reads, or those everyone says he intends to read and never does. The joke (it is Mark Twain's, really) may have its point for some of our contemporaries, but the remark is false for the most part. In fact, the great books are probably the most widely read. They are not best sellers for a year or two. 一本好书,并不是一年或者两年之内的畅销书,而是经久不衰的畅销本。经得起历史的考验,岁月的打磨。成为人类文学历史上璀璨夺目的珍珠。在此之前我读的书,大多数别人推荐的,什么人一生必须要读的十本书啊之类的,都是些鸡汤。喝的多了就免疫了。后来接触明著,才明白名著的魅力,读书的真正意义。
(2) The great books are popular, not pedantic. They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists. Whether they be philosophy or science, or history or poetry, they treat of human, not academic, problems.
(3) The great books are always contemporary. In contrast, the books we call "contemporary,"
(4) The great books are the most readable.
(5) The great books are the most instructive, the most enlightening.