
Get rif of bad mood(英语小记)

2020-05-19  本文已影响0人  半碗清幽

Don't let the bad mood affect you for too long. We need to get rid of the bad mood and face the rest of life with an optimistic attitude. You can cry, you can give yourself a little time to grieve, but you need to get out of it quickly and not get too caught up in negative emotions. Life is good, we have to get better ourselves

.To believe in ourselves, good night.

别让坏情绪影响你太长时间,我们需要摆脱坏情绪,以乐观的心态去迎接接下来的生活。可以哭一场,可以给自己一点悲伤的时间,但是要从中很快解脱出来 不要太沉迷负面情绪。生活很美好,我们要变得更好。


