

2018-03-27  本文已影响63人  Lochaiching



本文原文内容链接为https://forums.eosgo.io/discussion/424/design-principles-of-my-v0-1-draft-eos-io-constitution,发帖人Thomas Cox,由本号“EOS技术爱好者”翻译。


Design Principles of my v0.1 Draft EOS.IO Constitution




March 20 edited March 22 in EOS Governance, Economics, & Philosophy

这是Thomas Cox3月22日在EOS治理经济和机制哲学板块中发出的帖子

These are the standards, goals and principles behind the draft Articles I'll be posting. Agreement is not required. They're here so the reader can see why I made certain design choices in the drafting. If you have different standards, goals, or principles, please state yours explicitly. That makes it clearer why we may disagree on an article.

For example, if you disagree with the goal of "negative rights" then you would write very different articles. Please be encouraged to share both your alternative articles, AND your disagreement with the specific goal (e.g. "negative rights" or whatever) that underlie the differences.

1.Negative Rights


3.English Only

4.Nesting Levels

5.Life, Liberty and Property

6.Synergy with Social Norms









1. Negative Rights

I'm attempting to write the entire Draft EOS.IO Constitution v0.1 using the language of Negative Rights exclusively.

A "negative right" for party A is one that other people respect by refraining from specific actions, such as not physically assaulting A.

It's my belief (and that of other members of the Governance team) that negative rights do the best job of simultaneously protect the rights of the person who holds the right, and protecting maximum freedom of action for everybody else. It's also far easier to make negative rights reciprocal.

1. 消极权利

我试着只使用消极权利的方面写出整个 EOS.IO宪法0.1版本。



2. Brevity

My goal is to write a terse document, articulating high level principles, where details and use cases can be worked out by the community over time outside of the Constitution itself. These could take the form of Smart Contract language, Ricardian Contract language, Enclave Agreements, Arbitrator rulings, etc.



3. English Only

Several folks have expressed concern that having two or more equal copies of the Constitution in two or more languages would create chaos, as the translations would inevitably have tiny differences in nuance and meaning. The only way to avoid that is to have a single reference copy in one language. Given the development history of the project, and my own lack of knowledge of any language other than English, I've selected English as the language for the one true Constitution.




4. Nesting Levels

The community has frequently discussed the inevitable, and highly desirable, creation of small communities with their own internal rules of membership and their own mutually recognized rights. Such a setup is known as an "enclave" -- a subset or portion of a larger space, in which the people and rules are distinct and different from their surroundings.

The overall EOSIO Software based mainnet would be the first level. Inside it there could be an Enclave for (say) Gaming, where a special set of Gaming Dapps live, and where people opt in to the Gaming Enclave. Those who opt in, get to access the special Dapps and will be subject to special Gaming Enclave rules. Nested inside the Gaming Enclave there might be a Game Master sub-Enclave with even more special rules, perhaps a one-person, one-vote rule. Disputes would always be resolved within the smallest Enclave that included all the parties of the dispute, and according to the rules of that Enclave, plus any rules inherited from the enclosing Enclaves.




5. Life, Liberty and Property

The domain of the EOSIO Software is largely property. By this I mean, people don't live in a blockchain, and cannot be arrested or imprisoned by one (although they could be arrested and imprisoned by a government, based on that person's actions on a blockchain). It has been the design goal of the EOSIO project to create an ecosystem that can provide DApps and support for applications that protect human life, liberty and property in ways other systems cannot. The Constitution will be geared toward supporting this mission.



6. Synergy with Social Norms

Lawrence Lessig, in the article "The New Chicago School" (published in The Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 27, No. S2 (June 1998)) notes that four forces influence human behavior within systems: law, social norms, markets, and architecture (i.e., technical infrastructure or code). The Constitution is intended to be crafted in a way that honors and makes room for all four forces to be used in their ideal way.


Lawrence Lessig在《新芝加哥学派》的文章中(在《法律研究杂志》(1998年6月)第27卷第2期中发表)提到,在一个系统内有四种力量影响着人类行为:法律、社会规范、市场和体系结构(即技术基础设施或代码)。宪法的目的是以荣誉地并和创造一个供四种力量能都按理想方式运行空间的方式来制定宪法。



SunTzuPosts: 12 Jr. Member - March 20


1- Complex!

2,3,6- sure.

4- Nesting Levels. My concern for this is that it sounds nice to talk about as an idea, and is an all encompassing concept - who would argue against giving a community their special enclave?

But when it comes to implementation I think the results may prove hard to turn into benefit. Firstly there will be those who want to reverse certain rights, just because, and this will make it hard to know for the customers of those dapps. Secondly we now have a barrier, a border, where before there was none. When a gaming app wants a derivative trade is it in the gaming enclave or the derivative enclave?

I see this with the Creative Commons project. Much fanfare, but everyone wanted their particular type. And then every country wanted their law. And then we had to do versions... In the end it's just a mess that scares away customers.

Whereas if they'd just said "this is the concept, this is the licence and there's only one of them" they might have had more success. Trying to please everyone can often end up hurting everyone.





我在Creative Commons项目中看到了这一点。大肆宣传极力推崇,但每个人都想要他们特有的类型,每个国家也都想要他们的法律,然后我们要做不同的版本…结果只是一团混乱,吓跑了顾客。


5- There's several problems with this.

Firstly, it's a brand of particularly USA and political connotations. That plays well in countries with worse brands and concepts (typically the developing world) and badly in countries with better brands and concepts. It also plays well in countries that have pleasant relations (the West, Asia), but less so in countries with historically fractious history (Middle East, Latin America).

So part of the problem here is that it is rather hard to divorce the politics from the claim, and that makes it a poor fit for a blockchain community that wants harmony for trade not disharmony on politics.

Which is what makes this so hard to go against - it is an insult to disagree with the brand of another country. But it's also an insult to foister a politics onto another. Critics won't therefore disagree verbally but they will disrespect in private, unless there is strong substance to this claim. Which brings up the next point.

As you've laid out above, its applicability is weak. Blockchain is heavy on property, because that's what it is: issuance of assets. But it has little or no or controversial bearing on life and liberty. Also, other concepts such as dignity (German), equality (French) and harmony (China) that are arguably more applicable are left out.






drbitsPosts: 2 Brand New March 21


Regarding 4. Nesting Levels,

Do the enclaves supersede mainnet rules? Trying to understand how this would work in practice. I'm picturing these enclave constitution augmentations like a EULA on a website: It adds some rules, but it can't take away any legal rights I already possess.

People generally don't read EULAs and part of the reason for that is that a EULA has somewhat limited power. It can't say something like, "By signing this, you forfeit all assets to the company."

Now if the enclave constitution does supersede, suddenly it's EXTREMELY important that I read it because all bets are off. That seems dangerous and user hostile.

I agree with SunTzu in regards to 5.





我同意 SunTzu关于第5条的看法。

TheAwakenmentPosts: 1 Brand New March 21


*Is my favourite part (& yes, that's how you spell it in English) *

You can make the protection of life, liberty and property a core ingredient without making it political per se.

I suppose the problem comes when you try and attempt to arbitrate around something visceral such as this i.e. 'the spirit' of of the project. Then it becomes political.

We also need to take into account that a large proportion of EOS token holders bought their tokens precisely because they want to see Dan Larimer's vision for the project unfold in this way.

I'd prefer not to see these club rules too long or too convoluted - especially at the beginning. I think all they need do is represent what we all want to see from the start - A system with a sense of fair play at its heart with a few fail-safes built in. It becomes a minefield of complexity otherwise.

Is this a rough draft of the constitution? or are we to expect more additions to be added later down the line?




我们还需要考虑到,很大比例的EOS代币持有人之所以购买,因为他们希望看到Dan Larimer对这个项目的愿景能够实现。



MellPosts: 1 Brand New March 21


Yes I agree with Kyle on 5 , I guess the rules of the constitution will change as the platform matures being more inclusive as time goes by with the emphasis on the power of the people's vote (EOS token holders)


thomasbcoxPosts: 71 Sr. Member - March 22


Great feedback, all. Thank you. (I just edited the text to add numbering to the headers -- we're all referring to things by the item number; making it easier to follow.)


jwilliamsPosts: 4 Brand New March 22


The idea of “negative rights” reminds me of what Dan Larimer mentioned (on one of his older blogs) as a slight twist on the Golden Rule: "Don't do unto others as you don't want them to do unto you." Am I misinterpreting the concept of negative rights? Is a constitution of negative rights, basically, a set of “thou shalt nots”?

“消极权利”的概念让我想起了Dan在他的博客中提到的一个关于Golden Rule的小扭曲:“己所不欲,勿施于人。”我是否误解了消极权利的概念?这是一种否定权利的构成,基本上是一套“你应该做的”吗?

Sam_SapoznickPosts: 49 Jr. Member - March 25 edited March 25


The concept of nesting / enclaves is a natural reflection of the way the larger world is organized. A nation's constitution is the "master" enclave, state constitutions are sub-enclaves of the national one, state legal codes are enclaves within or under the state constitution, county legal codes are enclaves within state legal codes, municipal legal codes are enclaves within state legal codes ---

Motorcycle clubs are a type of enclave with specific traits and needs, regional boat-manufacturing associations have their unique areas of concern, process, etc. etc.

The above picture suggests that enclaves in EOS.IO are a requirement to enable the EOS.IO main-net to accomodate thousands to millions of interest groups in varying arrangements of hierarchy, separation, overlap.

In summary: I support enclaving / nesting as a design principle of the EOS.IO constitution.





ligongziPosts: 3 Brand New March 26


4, Nesting Levels is great, and will be the basic framework for self-restraint of the whole district and various communities. This is a very critical part of having to include both its openness and its rigor, and to make everyone's behavior under the strict framework.

5, This is hard to achieve, after all, the most binding of individuals is their human rights and property rights. With the blockchain, the individual attributes are reduced, and even the blockchain asset cannot be fixed to someone. Believe that this is a very slow process, as the chain blocks in the world, the network world and the real world of binding, and more personal credibility, viscosity increases, social relations on the property/life/freedom will have stronger constraints. This part is a big headache,will takes time to consider.Expect more details from Thomas.

6, Lawrence Lessig is a very powerful and forward-looking legal worker in the constitution and Internet law. Able to refer to and based on his theory, believe that the existing social governance will be absorbed and the constraints on the network will actively promote the construction of eos community.

Lessig said The history of American law has been a process of balance.Perhaps eos is formulated in accordance with the constitution of changing community to develop, the basic framework and principle of things, will gradually formed after the June, concrete problems to do specific arbitration.



第6条,Lawrence Lessig是宪法和互联网法律中有前瞻性的法律工作者。参照他的理论,相信能采纳更多现有的社会治理,网络上的约束将会积极推动EOS社区的建设。




本文原文内容链接来自于https://forums.eosgo.io/discussion/424/design-principles-of-my-v0-1-draft-eos-io-constitution,发帖人Thomas Cox,由Lochaiching翻译,Yvonne校对。转载请参照本文文首说明。




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