
《纽约客》精读 | 第二期 古典音乐没落的罪魁祸首

2020-06-19  本文已影响0人  WordsWordsWords

「《纽约客》精读 」选取The New Yorker杂志的片段,介绍文章背景、精讲单词、词组和句式。这是一个固定栏目,更新频率为每周两次。

本期选段是文章Listen to This的开头,刊登在2004年的《纽约客》。作者Alex Ross是《纽约客》杂志的资深乐评人,古典音乐和现代流行乐都都是他的评论对象,写作范围也涉及文学、历史、电影等话题。2011年,他出版了第二本书,名字就叫Listen to This,2004年的这篇文章收录其中,作为开篇第一章。

Listen to This 封面

I hate "classical music": not the thing but the name. It traps a tenaciously living art in a theme park of the past. It cancels out the possibility that music in the spirit of Beethoven could still be created today. It banishes into limbo the work of thousands of active composers who have to explain to otherwise well-informed people what it is they do for a living. The phrase is a masterpiece of negative publicity, a tour de force of anti-hype. I wish there were another name. 


1. tenaciously living art

tenaciously adv. 

tenacious adj. 紧紧抓住的;继续存在的

tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely。

在此处语境中,意思更偏向继续存在的,不容易被驱赶的(persisting in existence; not easily dispelled)。tenaciously用于修饰living,说明古典音乐这一艺术形式生命力顽强。


a tenacious boy,一个执着的/不轻易放弃的/顽固的男孩。

蒋介石曾被称为a tenacious nationalist, 一个执着的民族主义者。

另一个常见的组合是tenacious weeds, 顽强、难以清除的杂草。

2. banish into limbo

banish v. 流放、驱逐

send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment

banish from the country,驱逐出境。 

banish the illegal immigrants,驱逐非法移民。


limbo n. 被遗忘状态

a state of neglect or oblivion

3. a tour de force of anti-hype 

tour de force n. 杰作

a performance or achievement that has been accomplished or managed with great skill,

源自法语,法语直译为“feat of force”.

· His latest book is a tour de force.


anti-hype  n./adj.

anti- 反对意思的前缀。

hype,夸张或密集的宣传(extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion) 

a tour de force of anti-hype可以理解为反过度宣传的绝佳案例。

anti-hype也可以用来形容人,an anti-hype person,一个不爱激动、不易情绪化的人。


1. cancel out the possibility that... 


2. otherwise well-informed people


otherwise adv. 在其他方面

in other aspects


well-informed adj. 见多识广的

3. a masterpiece of negative publicity


与a tour de force of anti-hype对应


1. It traps a tenaciously living art in a theme park of the past. It cancels out the possibility that music in the spirit of Beethoven could still be created today. It banishes into limbo the work of thousands of active composers who have to explain to otherwise well-informed people what it is they do for a living.

It traps...It cancels out...It banishes into limbo.

作者开头就说自己讨厌「古典音乐」,讨厌的是其名,而非这项艺术本身。接着,三个排比句引出了讨厌这个「古典音乐」这个命名的原因,三句中的动词是亮点。trap, cancel out, banish三个动词铿锵有力,控诉了名称给这项艺术带来的困境。


· Classical music is a trap for a living art.

· Classical music traps a living art.


· Classical music makes it impossible to create Beethoven's music.

· Classical music cancels out the possibility to create Beethoven's music.

第一个句子中的make it impossible, 恐怕是大多数人在表达类似意思的首选。Make算得上动词界的「万金油」,对应「使什么怎么样」的翻译。万金油的一大弊端是不够有针对性,make的含义相对比较空泛,只有后面搭配了具体的介词、名词或形容词才能显示出真正的意思。

cancel是更具实意的动词,cancel out透露出抹杀干净的意味,词意中包含的负面意向明显,力量和态度都很鲜明

第三句中,banish这个词用得也很厉害。换成我们,可能会在banish的位置填上put , leave,或是改成be in limbo的形式,都显得不痛不痒。banish有更丰富精确的词意,负面意向明确,让句子的语气和情绪都提升了一个层次。


