

2016-12-27  本文已影响14人  慢慢行走的玄子



Never before have I felt so empowered to learn(有能力学习 as I do today. When I was young, there were few options to learn on my own. My parents had a set of World Book Encyclopedias, which I read through in alphabetical order. But there were no online courses, video lectures, or podcasts to introduce me to new ideas and thinkers as we have today.
当我年轻时,几乎没有自己学习的选择机会。 我的父母有一套世界百科全书,我按字母顺序阅读。 但是没有在线课程,视频讲座或播客介绍我如今我们的新想法和思想家。

Still, reading books is my favorite way to learn about a new topic. I’ve been reading about a book a week on average since I was a kid. Even when** my schedule is out of control, I carve out** a lot of time for reading.
然而,阅读书籍是我来了解一个新的主题最喜欢的方式。 我平均每周读一本书,从小开始。 即使我的日程失去控制,我仍然分割了很多时间在阅读上。

If you’re looking for a book to enjoy over the holidays, here are some of my favorites from this year. They cover an ****eclectic mix of topics—from tennis to tennis shoes, **genomics to great leadership. They’re all very well written, and they all dropped me down a rabbithole of unexpected **insights **and pleasures.
如果你正在寻找一本书,享受假期,这里是我今年的一些收藏。 他们涵盖了从网球到网球鞋,基因组学到伟大领导力等各种主题的混合。 他们都写得很好,他们都把我丢下了一个意想不到的见解和快乐的兔子洞。

《String Theory》**, by David Foster Wallace. This book has nothing to do with physics, but its title will make you look super smart if you’re reading it on a train or plane. String Theory is a collection of five of Wallace’s best essays on tennis, a sport I gave up in my Microsoft days and am once again pursuing with a passi****on. You don’t have to play or even watch tennis to love this book. The late author wielded a pen as skillfully as Roger Federer wields a tennis racket. Here, as in his other brilliant works, Wallace found mind-blowing ways of bending language like a metal spoon.

String Theory,作者David Foster Wallace。 这本书与物理无关,如果你在火车或飞机上阅读它,它的标题将让你显得超级聪明。 字符串理论是华莱士最好的五篇关于网球的文章的集合。这是我在微软时代曾放弃的运动,后来再次追求激情而玩起。 你不必玩,甚至不必看打网球就会喜欢上这本书。 后来的作家,挥舞着一支钢笔,像罗杰·费德勒挥舞着一个网球拍。 在这里,像在他的其他辉煌的作品中那样,华莱士发现弯曲语言就像一把金钥匙般有着许多令人鼓舞的方式。

《Shoe Dog》, by** Phil Knight.** This memoir, by the** co-founder** of Nike, is a refreshingly honest reminder of what the path to business success really looks like: messy, precarious, and riddled with mistakes. I’ve met Knight a few times over the years. He’s super nice, but he’s also quiet and difficult to get to know. Here Knight opens up in a way few CEOs are willing to do. I don’t think Knight sets out to teach the reader anything. Instead, he accomplishes something better. He tells his story as honestly as he can. It’s an amazing tale.
鞋狗,菲尔骑士。 这个
,由耐克的联合创始人写的。通往商业成功的路径真的看起来:凌乱,危险,充满错误。 多年来,我遇到过几次骑士。 他很好,但他也很安静,很难让人了解。 我不认为奈特开始教给读者什么。 相反,他完成了更好的事情。 他尽可能诚实地讲述他的故事。 这是一个了不起的故事。

《The Gene》, by** Siddhartha Mukherjee. Doctors are deemed** a “triple threat” when they take care of patients, teach medical students, and conduct research. Mukherjee, who does all of these things at Columbia University, is a “quadruple threat,” because he’s also a Pulitzer Prize– winning author. In his latest book, Mukherjee guides us through the past, present, and future of genome science, with a special focus on huge ethical questions that the latest and greatest genome technologies provoke. Mukherjee wrote this book for a lay audience, because he knows that the new genome technologies are at the cusp of affecting us all in profound ways.
基因,由Siddhartha Mukherjee。 医生在照顾病人,教医学生和进行研究时被视为“
”。 Mukherjee在哥伦比亚大学做所有这些事情,是一个“
。 在他最新的书中,Mukherjee指导我们通过基因组科学的过去,现在和未来,特别关注最新和最伟大的基因组技术所引起的巨大的伦理问题。 Mukherjee写了这本书为一个普通的读者,因为他知道新的基因组技术正在以深刻的方式影响我们所有的尖端

《The Myth of the Strong Leader》, by** Archie Brown. This year’s fierce election battle** prompted me to pick up this 2014 book, by an** Oxford University scholar** who has studied political leadership—good, bad, and** ugly—for more than 50 years. Brown shows that the leaders who make the biggest contributions to history and humanity generally are not the ones we perceive** to be “strong leaders.” Instead, they tend to be the ones who** collaborate, delegate, and negotiate—and recognize that no one person can or should have all the answers. Brown could not have predicted how resonant his book would become in 2016.
强领导的神话,由Archie Brown。 今年的激烈选举战争促使我拿起这本2014年的书,由一个
牛津大学的学者,研究了政治领导 - 好,坏,丑陋50多年。 布朗表明,对历史和人类作出最大贡献的领导人通常不是我们感觉是“强有力的领导者”的领导人,而是他们倾向于合作委派和谈判,并认识到没有一个人可以或应该有所有的答案。 布朗不能预测他的书在2016年会变得怎么样引起共鸣**。

Honorable mention: 《The** Grid》, by Gretchen Bakke. This book, about our aging electrical grid, fits in one of my favorite genres: “Books About Mundane Stuff That Are Actually Fascinating.” Part of the reason I find this topic fascinating is because my first job, in high school, was writing software for the entity that controls the power grid in the Northwest. But even if you have never given a moment’s thought to how electricity reaches your outlets, I think this book would convince you that the electrical grid is one of the greatest engineering wonders of the modern world. I think you would also come to see why modernizing the grid is so complex and so critical for building our clean-energy future.
基因,由Siddhartha Mukherjee。 医生在照顾病人,教医学生和进行研究时被视为“
”。 Mukherjee在哥伦比亚大学做所有这些事情,是一个“
四倍的威胁”,因为他也是普利策奖获奖作者。 在他最新的书中,Mukherjee指导我们通过基因组科学的过去,现在和未来,特别关注最新和最伟大的基因组技术所引起的巨大的伦理问题。 Mukherjee以一个普通的读者的姿态写了这本书,他知道新的基因组技术正在深远地影响着我们所有领域的尖端**。

None of that delegate's arguments seem to hold water.
You got to be in this racket.

Settlers have streamed in to carve out a** precarious** life.
Is there any point in trying to turn out ethical business school graduates?
However, the heart was more profound thinking of you.
If you show up in the top search results, prospects will perceive you as aleader.

all that item id's can represent tracks, albums, artists or genres.

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