Asian leaders are in the vanguard of social media
Many of the pictures of cute cats on Instagram were posted by Malaysia’s prime minister
WHEN he is not lifting minuscule weights or catering to the whims of his cats, Najib Razak somehow finds time to be Malaysia’s prime minister—or so his feed on Instagram, a photo-sharing app, implies. Hun Sen, Cambodia’s strongman, apparently dedicates most of his time to posing for selfies with adoring young Cambodians, if his Facebook page is to be believed. And then there is Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, who assures his followers on Instagram: “Every moment of my life is devoted to the welfare of India.” That cannot be quite true, as quite a lot of it is devoted to social media, most notably Twitter. He has tweeted more than five times a day, on average, since joining the microblogging service in 2009. He has more than 40m followers, just 7.5m behind Donald Trump, and over 33m more than the combined following of Emmanuel Macron, France’s president, and Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister.
在纳吉布·拉扎克没有练习轻量举重,也没有逗弄猫咪的时候,他总会找时间做些马来西亚总理应从事的事情--这或许可以从他在照片分享应用Instagram上的页面看到蛛丝马迹。如果柬埔寨强势人物洪森的Facebook页面值得相信的话,他显然把大部分时间花在了与崇拜他的柬埔寨年轻人的自拍方面。还有印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi),他在Instagram上向追随者保证:“我生命中的每一时刻都奉献给了印度人民。”这不太可能是真的,因为很多时间他都在玩转社交媒体,尤其是推特(Twitter)。自2009年注册推特以来,他平均每天要发布5条以上的推文。他的粉丝数量有4000多万,仅比唐纳德·特朗普落后750万,比法国总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙和加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多俩人粉丝数量的总和还要多3300多万。
Like Mr Trump, Asian leaders have discovered that social-media platforms are very useful for communicating with voters and seizing the attention of the press. As smartphones proliferate, so does the potential audience. Thailand, with a population of 69m, has 47m Facebook users. Malaysia, with 31m people, has 22m.
Different platforms suit different purposes. Facebook is the top choice for pushing policies, says Terrence Ngu of StarNgage, a Singaporean company which runs social-media campaigns; Instagram is now the main way “to promote personalities”. Singapore’s prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong, shares dreamy panoramic photos from his holidays on Instagram. His government recently got locals with lots of followers, such as emcees and bloggers, to hype #SGBudget in a desperate bid to spark youthful excitement about its fiscal plans.
不同的平台有不同的用途。新加坡社交媒体营销公司Starngage的泰伦斯•恩古(Terrence Ngu)说,Facebook是推动政策的首选;Instagram现在是“提升个人形象”的主要方式。新加坡总理李显龙在Instagram上分享了他在度假时期的漂亮全景照片。李显龙政府最近吸引了许多当地人,如主持人和博客作者,大肆宣传新加坡财政预算(SGBudget),以激发年轻人对其财政方案的支持。
Joko Widodo, the president of Indonesia, is deft across many platforms, but his true love is YouTube. His selfie-style “vlogging”, tagged #JKWVLOG, delights hundreds of thousands. At a recent summit in Germany, he got both Mr Trudeau and Mr Macron to record a quick hello to the people of Indonesia, an arm draped over his shoulder.
印度尼西亚总统佐科·维多多(Joko Widodo)对许多社交平台也是轻车熟路,但最爱玩转YouTube。他发布“JKWVLOG”标签的自拍风格的“视频博客”可以令数十万粉丝欣喜若狂。在最近德国举行的一场峰会上,他录制的一段视频显示:特鲁多和马克龙胳膊搭在他肩上,在向印度尼西亚人民打声招呼。
It is hard to beat Mr Modi for innovation, however. He has created an app that bundles all his social-media offerings. It can be downloaded in 12 Indian languages and offers snazzy infographics on government policy as well as titillating articles on the prime minister’s fashion choices (“When simplicity becomes style: the story behind the Modi Kurta”).
Of course, all this sharing can backfire. Hun Sen, who has run Cambodia for more than 30 years, was mocked in 2016 when it became obvious he was buying “likes” for his Facebook page. And not all those who peruse Mr Najib’s Instagram account are converted. “Stupidest PM yet,” declares one commentator. “Fuck you fatty,” says another.