
喜悦身心养成记40: ISHA瑜伽能量观

2018-07-08  本文已影响15人  JOY1001

以下资料源自ISHAYOGA, 感恩萨古鲁和翻译志愿者!

Sadhguru: What you call as “my life” is a certain amount of energy controlled by a certain amount of information. This information, in today’s terms, can be called software. A certain amount of life energy is charged with a certain amount of information. Together, this information technology is you. You become a certain kind of character because of the type of information that has gone into you. The past impressions of life go far beyond the moment you were born, but in your perception right now, at least from the moment you were born till today, what kind of parents, family, and education you had, what kind of religious and social background, what kind of cultural realities – all these impressions have gone in. Someone has become a different character simply because of the type of information that has gotten into him. This is what is karma. This information is traditionally called karma or karmic body or causal body – that which causes life.

萨古鲁:你所说的“我的生命”是被一定量的信息所控制的一定量的能量。这种信息,用今天的话来说,可以称之为“软件”。一定量的生命能量承载着一定量的信息。两者合一,这种信息技术就是你。 因为某种信息已经进入了你,你变得具有某种性格。过去的生命印象可以从你出生那一刻起回溯到久远,但是你现在能感知到的,至少从你出生那一刻到今天为止,你的父母、家庭和你接受的教育,以及宗教、社会背景,再加上现实的文化——所有这些印象已经进入了你。仅仅因为某种已经进入一个人的信息,那个人便具有某种不同的性格,这就是业力。传统上,我们将这种引起生命的信息称为业力、业力身或者因果体。

This information is on many different levels. There are four dimensions, two of which are not relevant right now. For understanding, we can talk about the other two. One is sanchita karma. This is the warehouse of karma which goes right back to a single-celled animal and even inanimate substances from where life evolved. All the information is there. If you close your eyes, become aware enough and look into yourself, you will know the nature of the universe – not because you are looking at it through your head, but simply because this information is present in the making of the body. There is a warehouse of information going back into creation. That is your sanchita karma. But you cannot take your warehouse and do retail business. You need to have a shop to do retail. That “retail shop,” which is for this life, is called prarabdha.


Prarabdha karma is a certain amount of information allotted for this life. Depending upon the vibrancy of your life, life allots for itself how much information it can take on. The creation is very compassionate. If it gives you the whole lot of karma that you have, you will be dead. Right now, many people are tortured by the simple memories from the 30-40 years of this lifetime. If they are given a hundred times that memory, they wouldn’t survive it. So, nature allots prarabdha, an allotted memory that you could handle.



所有这堆信息被称为前世业力(译者:sanchita karma,指我们过去积累下来的业力)。根据信息的性质,能量会被分配给生命的不同方面。如果业力信息转向身体,你会发现能量自然地把自己分配到你自身的身体结构中。如果信息倾向于你的智力过程,相应地能量会把自己分配到那个活动中。如果信息与情绪十分相关,能量会把自己分配给那个维度。如果信息趋向于灵性维度,那么能量会把自己分配给那个方向。












除了负能量和零能量食物的其他所有蔬菜、坚果、发芽类、水果和干果, 其中排在前列的是冬瓜、黑胡椒、蜂蜜、水果、蔬菜、坚果、水果干。

喜悦身心养成记40: ISHA瑜伽能量观 喜悦身心养成记40: ISHA瑜伽能量观 喜悦身心养成记40: ISHA瑜伽能量观 喜悦身心养成记40: ISHA瑜伽能量观 喜悦身心养成记40: ISHA瑜伽能量观
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